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The next day, both Peter and Felicia walk towards Harry's hospital room in silence.

"You know he's not going to be the same, right? Not after what happened." Felicia says.

A somber expression appears on Peter's face.

"...I know..." Peter says.

He then let's out a sigh.

"Mayor Osborne. I wanted Harry to win, but... not like this."

"Won by default. He's probably gonna be pissed he didn't get his landslide victory fair and square."

Peter smirks as they approach the door. He puts his hand on the doorknob but notices Felicia not making a move.

"I don't know if I can do this?" Felicia says

Peter is confused.

"What do you mean?"

Felicia stays silent for a moment.

"I don't want to see- I just can't, ok? Not right now. I have to go."

Peter puts his hand on her shoulder.

"Talk to me." Peter says.

Felicia looks at Peter.

"I feel... guilty. Harry was self-absorbed, but he was a good guy. I just can't see him like this." Felicia says.

Peter looks at her with understanding.

"I get it. I won't tell him you were here."

Felicia nods and she walks away. Peter sighs and walks into the room to see Harry watching the news report about the murder of Mayor Hill, how Harry was sworn in from his hospital bed after his injury, and how multiple men dressed as owls raided City Hall. Harry then sees Peter and turns off the TV.

"Hey Pete." Harry says, exhausted.

"Hey buddy, how are you?" Peter asks.

Harry sighs.

"It still hurts. But the medication makes it easier. I still haven't seen it yet. They've had me wrapped up this whole time. Maybe it's not that bad." Harry says with a hopeful smile.

Peter smiles back at his friend.

"It's what's on the inside that counts, right?" Peter says.

Harry sighs, slowly sitting up.

"Come on, that's what they tell the girl who doesn't get asked to prom. I appreciate the effort though." Harry says.

Harry then thinks about something.

"You... didn't happen to see Felicia here, did you?"

Peter stays silent for a moment.

"No, sorry." Peter replies.

Harry is visibly disappointed.

"Oh. I mean we're not dating or anything, but I thought she'd at least come by to congratulate me, if nothing else. Guess we weren't as close as I thought."

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