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Peter laughs at Jill's accusation.

"What? Spider-Bat? Where did that come from?"

Jill barges into the house.

"Cut the crap, Pete. Today you brought me the same machine the guy wearing a snow globe on his head was using."

"Look, people from my company found that machine somewhere and I wanted your opinion on it."

"So you just happen to find the exact same machine he used? And explain why you disappeared when that news report about the bombs. Not to mention you came back to New York around the same time Spider-Bat showed up."

Peter continues to laugh off the accusations, but he then sees the bat signal in the sky. Peter is confused by the sight of it during the day. Jill sees it and smirks at him. Peter stares back at her for a moment, then gets a call on his phone.

"Sorry, it's Parker Industries. I have to go."

Jill looks at Peter with an unconvinced smile. As he leaves.

"Stop looking at me like that." He says.

Later Commissioner Stacy, Detective Montoya and Bullock stand on the roof top.

"You know I prefer to work nights, Commissioner." Spider-Bat says in a shadowy part of the roof.

"Sorry, but we needed your help. A woman who needs protection."

"My protection?" Peter asks.

"Her name is Penny Cobblepot." Stacy says.

Peter is surprised.


"The Penguins ex wife. Well- sort of ex wife. She got knocked up and has been trying to get away from him ever since, but it's hard to do that when you're married to a notorious criminal who is well connected. But then, you put Cobblepot away and she was finally free." Bullock explains.

"But then Penguin broke out of prison last night, and now she's afraid that she'll be under his thumb again, so she asked for help. Yours specifically."

Peter nods.

"When can you get her out of the City?" Peter asks.

"Later tonight, we'll have two detectives move her to Metropolis. Figured the four of us can guard her until then."

"Where is she located?"

"Devil's Square. We two cops with her right now."

When Stacy and the others look back, Spider-Bat has already left.

Meanwhile, outside of Penny Cobblepot's apartment, the cops watching over her get attacked by two men. At that moment multiple men walk inside the apartment building, taking the elevator to her level. As they step out of the elevator, they are stopped in place when they see someone standing at the other end of the hallway. The mystery figure steps out of the shadows to reveal Spider-Bat.

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