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A barely conscious Peter drifts through the water, soon landing outside of the sewers in the rain. He tries to contact Ben, but only gets static. Peter struggles to his feet, still not fully healed from his injuries. He webs his side, covering his stab wound, and slowly walks through the streets of New York, staying in the shadows and out of sight. Peter soon collapses in a dark alley, unable to keep walking.

Soon three teenagers(one of them being the same girl Peter saved weeks ago) walk past the alley and sees the hero on the ground.

"Oh shit, it's him. It's Spider-Bat yo." She says.

"He doesn't look too good. Should we call someone?" One of the other teenagers asks.

"No way, then they'd take off his mask and find out who he is." The teenage girl says.

"Then what do we do?" The other teenager asks.

At that moment, Catwoman drops down infront of them.

"Alright kiddos, I'll take it from here." Felicia says.

"Hold on, how we know we can trust you?" One of the teenagers asks.

Felicia hisses at them, causing two of them to run away. The girl who Peter saved stays for a moment, staring at Spider-Bat on the ground behind Felicia.

"He's going to be ok, right?" She asks.

Felicia stares at the worried girl for a moment.

"Yeah he'll be fine, don't worry." Felicia says.

"He saved my life." The girl says.

Felicia smirks.

"Yeah, mine too. Now get out of here already."

The girl smiles and walks away. Felicia turns to Peter, surprised to see him in this condition. She kneels down to him, putting her hand on his back.

"Jesus, Peter. What the hell happened to you?"

Later on, Felicia carries the barely conscious Peter into her apartment and lays him down on her couch. As Peter passes out fully she takes off the upper part of his suit to treat his injuries, but is surprised to see most of them are slowly healing. She then looks at the unconscious hero, running her fingers through his hair and putting her hand on the side of his face. She then pulls away after a few minutes then walks into another room, letting Peter rest.

Days later Peter jumps up, out breath and in a cold sweat, getting flashes of the Labyrinth. As he is confused about where he is, Felicia quickly comes into the room, trying to calm him down.

"Easy Spider, relax. You're safe." Felicia says, putting her hand on his chest.

Peter stares at Felicia for a moment, slowly catching his breath and sitting back down.

"Where am I?" Peter asks.

"My apartment. You've been out on my couch for two days." Felicia says.

Peter looks at her surprised.

"I've been out for two days? You've been taking care of me for two days?"

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