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Later that night, as Norman walks into his office, he is surprised by Spider-Bat standing there in the dark. An intrigued and mesmerized smile appears on Norman's face.

"It's you." Norman says.

"Who was the man on the bridge tonight? What does he want with you?"

Norman regains his composure, straightening his face to answer the question.

"Doctor Otto Fries Octavius."

"The scientist? He used to work for you when Oscorp was getting its start. He supposedly died in a lab accident." Peter replies.

"Someone has done their homework. Yes, he's suppose to be dead but obviously it didn't stick. I met Otto back in college. I recognized his brilliance and offered him a job in my startup company. But soon he became- obsessed with a project that was wasting company money- my money. I had no choice but to fire him and that's when he lashed out and caused the accident that I thought took his life. I guess he blames me for the accident."

Peter stays silent for a moment.

"Is there anywhere he would go as a hideout?"

"I'm not sure, he never left the lab. He practically lived there."

When Norman turns back around he sees that Spider-Bat is gone. A few moments later, Peter lands infront of Oscorp's old building. As he walks through the old building, he sees a hallway covered in ice. Peter walks through the hall and enters a room that's also covered in ice but notices a woman frozen in a container and a tape playing on a monitor. Peter reminds the tape and sees a normal Otto Octavius who still has his mechanical arms.

"My name is Doctor Otto Fries Octavius. I am recording what- I pray will be mankind's first step towards immortality." Otto on the tape says.

The doctor then uses his mechanical arms to reveal his wife who was frozen then as well.

"Here you see the CC-100. A cryogenic freezing chamber of my own design. I created it for the express purpose of freezing subjects stricken with inoperable ailments. Subjects like- my own beloved wife, Nora. Once a remedy has been found-"

Otto is soon inturupted by Norman Osborne and security guards barging into the lab.

"Step away from that equipment, Otto." Norman says.

The owner of Oscorp turns to the guards

"Shut it all down."

Otto quickly steps infront of the chamber that contains his wife.

"Norman stop, please! This is my experiment!"

"Your unauthorized experiment. I ordered funding suspended weeks ago. I'm already three million in debt, because of you."

"You can't stop it now. My wife is in there."

"Just bring her out, I don't really care."

Octavius gets even more emotional.

"You can't inturupt the process now!"

Norman scoffs

"Open it." Osborne tells his security team.

"It's her only chance, Norman!"

"This is my equipment! My lab! My company! I have every legal right to use it or not use it as I see fit. I say this project ends now!"

As the guards walk towards Nora, Otto is overcome with anger.


The doctor then swats the guards away with his mechanical arms.

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