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One night, a man in a prison jumpsuit runs through the streets as police sirens are heard in the background. He quickly climbs up a fire escape and slowly sneaks into an apartment through a window. When he enters, he looks over and sees a little girl sleeping. His daughter... sleeping. The man sighs while staring at her then quietly leaves the room. He then changes his clothes and walks into the kitchen to make himself a sandwich.

At that moment, the lights turn on in the kitchen. The man turns around and sees a woman with her arms folded at him in disapproval.

"Hey Emma. I didn't mean to wake you." The man says.

"You can't hide here, Flint." She says.

Flint stares at Emma for a moment, then let's out a sigh.

"It's my home too." He says.

"This hasn't been your home in years. Even before you went to prison."

Flint scoffs.

"I don't need another lecture. Besides I only came to see my daughter."

Emma starts to get angry at Flint.

"You are an escaped convict. The cops are looking for you. You're not getting near her... You're nothing but a common thief."

"I did what I had to for this family." Flint says.

"No. You did it for yourself. Because you thought you were too good for a regular job. Because you couldn't handle the fact that your time in the spotlight was over."

The two then hear a door open behind them and see their daughter walking in. Flint quickly walks over to her, kneeling down and holding her in his arms.

"Penny. I missed you."

Penny smiles.

"I missed you too, daddy."

At that moment, sirens are heard and red flashing lights can be seen outside.

"Get out of here. Now." Emma demands.

Flint sighs, then walks over to the window. After looking back at his daughter one last time, he quickly leaves.

Meanwhile, as Quentin Nygma is sitting in his cell, a guard walks by and notices something off.

"Hey! Nygma!" The guard yells.

Quentin doesn't respond and the Guard walks into the cell.

"Hey Nygma. I'm talking to you."

The guard shakes Nygma, causing his head to fall off. The guard yells for a moment, then realizes that it's a robot. He quickly runs out radios in for help.

"Quentin Nygma has escaped! I repeat, Quentin Nygma has escaped!" He says.

Meanwhile, a hooded figure approaches a secret storage unit. He walks in and takes off his hood to reveal that he's Quentin Nygma with a smug smile on his face. As he flips a switch, it turns on his high-tech computer and other equipment. When he turns around, he shocked to see Spider-Bat right behind him.

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