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At an old run down carnival, a man stands in the rain waiting for someone. He looks over and sees the one he's been waiting for.

"There you are. Have you had enough time to inspect the property and decide if it's what you were looking for?" The man asks.

The White Goblin steps forward, looking at the carnival.

"Well... It's garish, ugly, and derelicts have used it for a toilet. The rides are dilapidated to the point of being lethal, and could easily maim or kill innocent little children." Norman says.

"Oh, so you don't like it?" The man asks.

The Goblin turns to him with the same unhinged smile he always have.

"Don't like it? I'm crazy for it!" He says.

The man is a little surprised by this as they walk through the carnival.

"You... You really want to buy it? And the price I mentioned isn't too steep?" The man asks.

The Goblins laughs outloud.

"Too steep? My dear sir, as I look at it I'm making a killing. And anyway, money isn't really a problem... Not these days."

When Norman sees a poster of a dog, his mind goes back to when was a boy. Him and his mother sit on the couch together while his father is getting drunk while looking at all the bills they have. He gets angry and throws his bottle against the wall.

"We have too many damn bills! All of you freeloaders are costing me money!" He says.

He then gets angry as he hears the dog barking outside.

"I'm tired of wasting money on that damn dog too!"

He then stands up from his chair and walks into his room. Norman's mother tries to comfort him as he is scared.

"It's ok, sweetheart. Everything's going to be ok."

At that moment Norman's father comes back out, holding a gun. He walks towards Norman and his mother, pushing her off of him.

"Move bitch!" He says.

He then grabs Norman by the arm and drags him outside.

"I have too many mouths to feed. That dogs gotta go."

He then hands him the gun as tears flow out of Norman's eyes.

"Stop that crying! Be a man!"

He then pushes Norman towards the dog. As Norman continues to cry, he slowly aims the gun at his dog's head, trembling while doing so. He closes his eyes and turns his head away, pulling the trigger.

The Goblin snaps back to present day, still walking through the carnival.

"Y'know I'm positive you won't regret this purchase. The place isn't that dilapidated, some of these rides are still pretty sturdy. Really, this could be one of hell of a carnival." The man says.

The Goblin smiles, offering him a handshake.

"You're so right. Thanks to your smooth salesmanship and your silver tongue you've completely sold me on the place. Let's shake on it."

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