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Later through the night, in Hells Kitchen New York, A group of men corner an innocent family in a dark alley. One of the men pull out a knife and walks towards the family, but gets hit in the face with an Escrima stick, knocking him out. At that moment, the vigilante NightDevil drops down and confronts the group of men.

"Oh shit." A man says.

Dick quickly bounces off the wall and kicks one of them in the face then throws his escrima stick again, ricocheting it off the wall and hitting another man in the head. The last guy standing runs at him, but Dick kicks him in the chest, knocking the wind out of him. The NightDevil turns to the scared family.

"Are you alright?"

The family slowly nod yes.

"Thank you." The father of the family says.

Dick smiles, giving them a nod back. They then walk off as one of the men get back to their feet and raises his hands to attack NightDevil. At that moment, a batarang is thrown at his head, knocking him out. Dick starts to chuckle.

"I had that." Dick says.

Spider-Bat drops down behind him with a smirk.

"Yeah I know. Just humor me."

The two then shake hands.

"It's good to- well, hear you Peter. But what brings you to Hells Kitchen?"

"I need a favor." Peter replies.

Later on the rooftop, Peter tells him about everything with Nick Fury, the upcoming invasion and the Avengers Initiative.

"Wow. That's a lot. So you need me to come to Metropolis with you?" Dick asks.

"No. I need you here. I need you to watch over New York while I'm gone. Or- if I don't comeback at all."

Dick nods.

"I won't let you down. But try not to get yourself killed out there, ok? New York needs Spider-Bat." Dick says.

Peter smiles.

"I'll do my best."

He then jumps off the roof and web swings away.

That morning, Peter prepares to leave with Jill, Ben, and Andrea standing there to see him off.

"Goodluck sir. I'll keep everything as you left it."

Peter smiles at his old friend.

"Thanks, Ben."

The two then share a hug.

"Go kick some ass, for me." Jill says.

Peter chuckles.

"You got it." Peter says, giving her a hug too.

Peter then looks over at Andrea, puts his hands on her face and the two share a kiss.

"I love you." Peter says.

Andrea smiles.

"I love you back."

Peter grins, then grabs his stuff and leaves.

Meanwhile in Coast City, Hal Stark walks into his secret underground bunker where he keeps his inventions, with his assistant Virginia "Pepper" Potts.

"You have a board meeting later this afternoon, what do you want me to tell them?" Pepper asks.

"Tell them I'm off saving the world, this isn't really new." Hal replies, opening a safe to reveal the Iron Lantern suit.

"The board won't be happy." Pepper says.

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