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Peter stands infront of the movie theater, he stares at one of the names in the play, Andrea Jane Watson, and sighs.

"We have been neglecting her lately. Wouldn't be surprised is she was upset with us. But why should she be? We're doing something important... Still, maybe I should apologize to her." He thinks to himself.

At that moment, Brock Elliott comes up from behind Peter, putting his arm around him.

"Hey Petey." He says.

"You're late." Peter says with a scowl.

Brock is surprised by the look on Peter's face.

"Woah. No offense, buddy, but you're not looking so good. Have you been sleeping any?"

Peter let's out a chuckle.

"Don't know the meaning of the word." Peter says.

Brock laughs.

"Come on, let's head inside."

As the two walk inside, Peter sees Andrea walking towards the back.

"Hey, I'll meet you at our seats."

Brock nods and walks away.

Peter makes his way to the back and sees Andrea sitting infront of the mirror. Andrea sees him standing behind her through the mirror but keeps her back turned to him.

"You're not supposed to be back here." Andrea says.

"I know. I just... wanted to talk to you."

"You had every opportunity to talk to me before now, and I haven't heard anything from you since you abandoned me three days ago." Andrea says.

Peter starts to get frustrated.

"Look, I had no choice."

"Of course you did. And you chose to run off, without coming back or reaching out to even see if I was ok. Maybe you're not the man I thought you were."

Peter then gets angry.

"You know what? Forget it! I don't know why we even bother."

As Andrea is surprised by Peter's sudden outburst, the play manager approaches Peter.

"Excuse me, sir. None cast members aren't allowed back her, I'll have to ask you to leave."

"Yeah, I'm going." Peter says, storming off while Andrea wipes away a single tear.

Soon the play starts, and Peter sits down next to Brock in a sky box.

"Everything alright, Pete?" Brock asks.

"I'm fine." Peter says, gritting his teeth.

Brock takes the hint and backs off as a fat clown comes on stage with a big drum.

"I didn't know this was apart of the show." Brock says.

Peter notices something off.

"I don't think it is." Peter says.

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