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Flint Hagen walks down the streets of New York, confused as to how he's alive and what happened to his body. He then bumps into a man wearing headphones.

"Watch it." The man tells him.

Flint ignores the man and continues to walk down the street, soon seeing a police officer infront of him. Before the cop can see Flint, the fugitive quickly transforms into the man he just bumped into. After he walks past the police officer, he quickly goes into a nearby alley, turning back to normal. He then looks at his hands and see half sand and the other clay. He then starts to smile, knowing exactly what he's going to do with his newfound abilities.

At that moment, Peter swings onto the side of the building. The black suit then transforms into a regular black suit and tie, with a smile. He then drops down on the sidewalk where he soon sees Andrea on her phone nearby. Peter walks over and taps her on the shoulder. When she turns and sees him, she sighs.

"I know. I'm so sorry I missed your play. Something- important came up."

Andrea let's out a frustrated chuckle.

"It's funny how that always happens just at the absolute worst time." Andrea says.

Peter smirk.

"You have no idea." Peter replies.

Andrea sighs.

"It feels like you're not being honest with me, Peter."

"Look I know this happens a lot with me, but something really did come up."

"Not just that... About us."

Andrea gets closer to Peter.

"You love me. Don't you?"

Peter is stunned for a moment.

At that moment nearby, a heavily armored truck is loaded up with bags of money. Two guards gets into the front while the other two get in the back. At that moment, one of their walkie-talkies come on, as a distressed voice is on the other end.

"Hey! This is Richardson, I was attacked by someone in the alley!"

The guard listening to this in the alley is confused as he is staring at Richardson standing across from him. The guard quickly tries to draw his gun, but that's when the imposter turns into sand and Clay, growing in size and drowns him under sand/clay. The two guards infront are then overtaken by the sand and clay, causing the gas pedal to be pushed down and the truck to speed through the streets, crashing into other vehicles. Peter and Andrea notices this in shock.

"Oh my God. What's going on?" Andrea asks.

"I don't know. I better go get some help." Peter says.

He then runs off, finding somewhere private to change, going into a dark alley. He then takes off his glasses as the black suit spreads over his body. Spider-Bat then swings out of the alley and going after the truck. Meanwhile, Flint is trying to steal the money and get away, but turns around and sees Spider-Bat behind him.

"Put the money down and come quietly. Or I'll break your legs." Peter says.

Flint smirks.

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