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Early in the morning, Peter is in the Batcave, waiting for the computer to break through the encryption that's on the flash drive. As he waits for it to finish, Ben brings him a cup of tea.

"Thanks Ben." Peter says, taking a sip.

"Have you figured out what that... catwoman... tried to steal?" Ben asks.

"In the process right now."

Peter then pulls up a file on the expert thief known as Catwoman.

"Is she new to town?" Ben asks.

"I've never seen her before. Hopefully, she's just a tourist. Have to give her credit, she is good." Peter replies.

"And pretty too, sir." Ben says.

Peter smirks.

"So now you're trying to set me up with a criminal, Ben?"

"At this point, I'd set you up with a chimpanzee if it meant you finding someone to share a life with." Ben says.

Peter stays silent for a moment.

"Ben... I did find someone."

Ben looks at Peter with compassion, putting his hand on his shoulder.

"I know, and you lost her. But that's all apart of living, sir."

Peter thinks to himself for a moment, then gets a text from Harry reminding him about the press event today.

"It's Harry. I gotta go." Peter says, grabbing his glasses.

As Peter prepares to leave, he notices the look on Ben's face.

"I hear what you're saying Ben. I get it." Peter says with a smirk.

Ben smiles and nods then Peter leaves.

A few minutes later, at the building that used to be Parker Industries, Peter waits behind the curtain for Harry while multiple people are already there waiting. In the crowd, not only is Commissioner Stacy, J Jonah Jameson, and Vicky Vale, and all of the faces of New York City, but also the woman with white hair, wearing a dress she stole from a woman in the bathroom.

Harry soon arrives, surprised at the sight of Peter.

"Woah, you're actually on time. Have to remember to pray to God more often."

"Ha Ha, very funny. You ready?" Peter asks.

"I was born ready, buddy." Harry replies.

Harry then walks out on stage to loud applause from the crowd.

"Hello everyone. Thank you all for being-"

Harry is quickly inturupted by knives being thrown into the lights and cameras in the room. A man dressed as a black owl with red eyes drops from the ceiling, snapping a cops neck. Two more cops pull out their guns and aim them at the owl man who quickly throws knives into their throats, killing them instantly. A knife is then thrown into Harry's shoulder, dropping him to the ground. Everyone starts to panic and run away except for J Jonah Jameson, who stands there laughing.

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