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In Penguins office, Peter stands there glaring at Oswald while he sits down and a woman with blue hair pours him a drink. Penguin smiles, patting the woman on her backside, visibly making her uncomfortable.

"Thanks darlin." Penguin says with a smile, showing off his gold tooth.

The woman smiles and nods, then goes to leave the room but gets distracted at the sight of Spider-Bat. Peter looks at the woman, sending a chill down her spine.

"Don't worry darlin, he won't bite." Oswald says.

The woman then slowly leaves the room.

"So what brings the Spider-Bat to my place of business?" Penguin asks.

"What do you know about Slick Hand Tony?"

Penguin looks at Spider-Bat without reacting.

"Tony, he's a good kid. Loyal as all hell. Even if it meant he got into trouble."

"Is that why you killed him? Because of his loyalty to Falcone?" Peter suggests.

Penguin has a surprised look on his face.

"Tony-Tonys dead? Oh my God, what the hell happened?"

Peter then grabs Oswald by the collar and slams him against a wall.

"Don't play games with me Cobblepot! You're trying to take over while Falcone's in jail, and killing anyone who has a problem with it!"

"Woah take it easy sweetheart! Look, I don't know what ya talking about, as you can see I'm a club owner."

Spider-Bat's grip gets tighter as he gets frustrated by Penguins act.

"What? You think just because you dress like a scary ass combination of a Bat and a Spider, you don't still need proof like any other cop?"

Peter thinks for a moment, slowly letting go of Penguin.

"This is a warning, Penguin. I won't allow your business in my city. Drop anymore bodies, and I'll make sure you're rotting in a cell right next to Falcone."

Cobblepot chuckles and grabs the bottle of liquor.

"Look, you really need to calm your-"

Before Penguin can finish his sentence, he turns around and sees that Spider-Bat is gone. Cobblepot gets flustered for a moment, throwing his glass against the wall. One of the men that was beaten up by Peter walks up to the Penguin.

"That freaks on to us, boss. How the hell did he know about Tony?"

"Doesn't matter how he knows, what matters is that he can't prove we were the ones who offed him. Right now, it's a pycho in a Halloween costume word, against ours."

While Oswald and the man are talking, a bat shaped device with a blinking red dot on it is listening. Meanwhile, the women with blue hair leaves the Iceberg Lounge, catching the attention of three men.

"Hey long legs." One of the men says

The woman starts to walk faster while the men follow. They soon corner her in a dark alley.

"Hey baby, where are you running off to?"

Woman backs away right into another man

"Oh you smell nice."

The woman gets angry

"Don't touch me." She says, kneeing him in the groin.

As another man grabs her roughly by the arm, three webs are shot out onto the men's backs and they get pulled into the darkness. After sounds of struggle and fighting stop, Spider-Bat steps out of the shadow. The woman stands in awe of the dark vigilante.

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