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One day, a Parker Industries jet lands in New York City. A man with a crutch who works for Parker Industries, named Morbius Langstrom walks steps out with his wife, Martine. Morbius takes a deep breath and smiles.

"It's good to be back. Especially after making a breakthrough."

Martine kisses Morbius.

"You're about to change lives, my love."

Morbius holds his wife's hand and smiles.

"I hope so." He says.

They then get into a car and head to Parker Industries.

One morning, Peter is working out in the Batcave after a long night of patrolling New York. After he finishes up Ben enters the cave and hands Peter a towel for his sweat from his face.

"Thanks Ben." Peter says with a smile.

"Looks like you're handling Ms. Kyle's departure quite well, sir."

Peter sarcastically smirks at his friend. The young man then gets a message

"Looks like Doctor Langstrom is back from doing research on degenerative blood disease." Peter says.

"My word it's been a long time. His research has been going on since your father was running the company."

"Yeah, I wanted to give him free range just like dad did, since this project is so personal to him. I should go see him, hear what he found."

"Good idea, sir. It'll be nice for Peter Parker to make an appearance in the outside world."

Peter smiles.

"Very funny." Peter says.

Later on, Peter enters Parker Industries and then hears a familiar voice behind him.

"It's been a long time, Pete." The voice says.

Peter turns around and sees Jill Stacy, the Cousin of Gwen Stacy.

"Jill? Hey, it's been awhile." Peter says, hugging her.

"Yeah, I haven't seen you since- Well you know."

Peter nods, remembering Gwen Stacy's funeral.

"So what brings you to town?"

"I'm actually taking a job at the New York City Public Library. Putting that PhD in Library Science to good use."

"That's amazing. Well I have to go, but we should definitely catch lunch."

"Definitely. Mickey's Diner?"

"Be there, or be square."

Jill laughs.

"Glad to see the fancy suits and the multi-billion dollar company hasn't changed you, Pete." She says, leaving the building.

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