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Captain Krypton then flies towards Peter while he sticks to the wall.

"So. You must be this Spider-Bat I've heard so much about. Honestly, I'm a little surprised you're actually real."

He then offers his hand to the Vigilante. Peter hesitates for a moment, then shakes Captain Krypton's hand.

"Captain." Peter says.

Iron Lantern soon shows up.

"Oh, the oldtimers here."

Captain Krypton smirks.


"Captain. Where'd big ugly go?" Hal asks.

Peter points to the monster motionless across from them.

"Oh." Hal says.

The three go over to the creature to get a good look at him.

"Fury filled me in. Any idea what these things are? They've been planting these devices all over the city. When I try to question them, they just blow up before I can get any answers." Captain Krypton says.

At that moment the creature blows up infront of them as Hal shields them from the blast.

"Like that." The Captain says.

"Their soldiers. Expendable soldiers at that. Planting these devices at all costs." Peter says.

"Military tactics. Fury might be right, we could be looking at a full scale invasion." The Captain says.

At that moment, Captain Krypton hears something off in the distance.

"What is it?" Peter asks.

"Trouble. More monsters."

In a blur, the Captain goes to help as Lantern scoffs.

"Show off."

"Funny. I was thinking the same about you." Peter says as he swings away.

Hal frowns at Spider-Bat then flies after them.

Meanwhile as another creature goes after an elderly man the speedster Mercury runs in, surrounded by blue lightning, and takes out the monster.

"Are you alright, sir?" He asks.

He helps the man up to his feet.

"Yes, thank you, young man. Your parents must be so proud."

A bittersweet smile appears on Mercury's face when he thinks about his parents.

"I like to think so. Get to safety." He tells him.

As the old man runs away, multiple monsters surround the speedster. Mercury prepares to fight, but then an energy blast takes out three of the monsters. Ms. Wonder then flies in, taking out the other two left standing with her sword, slicing through them with ease. After she is finished, she turns to Mercury with a smile.

"Hello, fellow warrior!" She says.

Mercury smiles nervously.

"Uh, hi." He says.

At that second Captain Krypton appears, seeing that the two has the situation handled. A few minutes after that, Spider-Bat and Iron Lantern show up behind him.

"I had a feeling it was those two." Peter says.

Hal is confused.

"Wait, you knew they were coming?" He asks.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 13 ⏰

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