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Peter works in the cave, refocusing on finding the court of owls. Ben then walks in, yet again worried about the young man.

"Forgive me if I sound like a broken record, sir. But- I'm worried about you. Having to face off against Harry, someone who you've known and trusted for most of your life. Loosing people in your life is never easy." Ben says.

Peter looks at Ben and smiles.

"I still have you, Ben. I couldn't get through any of this without you."

Ben smiles.

"It's my honor, Peter."

As the two share a smile, an alert comes on the computer.

"Is it the Court of Owls?" Ben asks.

"No. It's...one of Anna's prototypes- on the move." Peter replies.

"What? But Anna locked everything away."

"Well, she needed a better lock."

Peter then pulls up a photo of the thief, who is Felicia Kyle.

"She stole from you? After everything you two been through, she would just betray your trust like this? Why would she do this?" Ben asks.

Ben thinks for a moment.

"Maybe she's just messing with me- some kind of joke."Peter answers.

"A joke, sir?"

"She has an unusual sense of humor."  Peter says with a smirk.

He then pulls up an image of what she stole.

"She stole an electronic skeleton key. With it, you could bypass any security system made by Parker tech." Peter explains.

"That device is way too dangerous in Ms. Kyle's hands."

"Get a car ready,Ben. And let Anna know what's going on. I'm going to get some answers from Felicia."

Meanwhile, Felicia is riding on her motorcycle on the highway, trying to leave New York. She then stops when she sees Peter block her path, sighing at the sight of him.

"Damn it." She says.

Peter doesn't say anything, folding his arms at her. Felicia smirks at his disapproving look.

"Hey Peter. I wasn't expecting you." Felicia says.

"I'm sure you weren't."

"I'd thought you'd be busy with, you know. Saving the world. I am flattered that you made time to see me off."

Felicia then pulls the key from her pocket.

"But- I know you're not here for me. I don't blame you for wanting it back. I'm surprised you had a toy like this. Of course Spider-Bat would use it for the good of New York, but the less noble options are so much more- exciting." Felicia says.

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