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Peter web-swings through the night sky of New York, still covered in blood and in distraught.

"I almost went too far tonight... I lost control. I could've taken a life... I couldn't stop." Peter thinks to himself.

He then sticks on the side of the bell tower, staring at the blood all over him, clutching his fist has he thinks about everything leading up to this.

"I've been out of control lately... we abandoned Andrea to fight Mineral Man, we snapped at Jill and Ben. They were just trying to help. Why did we do that?"

Peter then questions why he keeps thinking "we" instead of "I". Peter then drops down into the bell tower.

"It's the symbiote... It's changing me... I have to get it off."

As Peter starts to take it off, he stops.

"Come on Pete, you're over reacting. This suit is the best thing for New York. It's made you better. There's no one else we need. Not Stacy... Not Jill... Not Andrea... Not even Ben."

Peter is shocked, knowing that wasn't his thoughts. He starts to pull on his mask.

"Wait, stop! We need each other." Peter thinks.

"No! You gotta!" Peter yells.

Peter tries to pull off the suit but can't get it off. He then accidentally bumps into the giant bell, ringing it and hurting the symbiote.

"The vibrations- You don't like them." Peter says.

He then punches the bell, hurting the symbiote again. He then rips off the mask and starts to rip off the rest of the suit.

"No... we do not like... vibrations- They are... unpleasant. But not enough... to destroy our bond."

Peter grits his teeth in determination.

"We'll see."

At that moment, Peter's movements are stopped as the suit starts wrap around his body, slowly trapping him.

"In anger, you sought to hurt us. Instead you made us stronger... We shall demonstrate."

The suit moves up on Peter's body, fully encasing his body. As the symbiote is about to cover his face, Peter let's out a frustrated scream before being fully covered.

Later, a younger Peter wakes up in a dark alley.

"What's happening? Where am I?"

At that moment he hears a gun shot, a gun shot that has echoed through his mind for years.

"Oh no..." Peter says.

He then turns around and sees his parents dead on the ground behind him.

"No...No, No, No... Please God, No." He says, dropping to his knees, tears in her eyes.

The Black suit then appears, sticking to the side of wall.

"A tragedy that could have been avoided. If you had us, you could have prevented this from happening, and we'd still have our parents. If we stay together, we can prevent this from happening again."

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