Boarding school, bleugh

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"No," I said. There was no way in the rotting hell I was going to boarding school. I'm a senior for cluck's sake I'm practically old enough to move out on my own. 

I mean, I guess the champagne tower at my cousin's graduation yacht party was too much, or maybe being blackout drunk during my Yale interview did it? Possibly breaking into my local public pool and skinny dipping with my best friend Apple and her boyfriend Jacob and his 30 best friends was it. 

I glanced at the tabloid in my Father's hand. Yeah, it was the last one. "NEW YORK'S GOLDEN GIRL GONE WILD THIS YEAR, COPING MECHANISM FOR HER MOTHER'S DEATH?!?!". Yeesh, the tabloids have no sympathy for me even after I've been keeping them in business for a good year. 

I'm not mad, I mean I look hot in the picture. I was too chicken to actually skinny dip like Apple and the rest of them. I was wearing pink underwear with cute little bows on the sides of them and a white tank top that was admittedly soaked and, also admittedly, left little to nothing to the imagination. My curly honey-blonde hair was slightly wet and frizzy. My cheeks flushed a bright pink and I smiled so that the photographer, Apple, could see my tiny tooth gap. My eyes are all squinty and I'm holding a glass that I don't precisely remember drinking from above my head in the pool to not get it full of chlorine-infested water. I think I looked pretty cute! 

My manager, however, didn't exactly agree.

"You're going to Montgomery end of story." He got up from his chair.

"You will leave August third for Europe, enrollment begins August seventh-" he began to walk out of his office and I quickly ran after him

"But daddy-" he turned around and swiftly cut me off.

"No ifs or buts. I will be there August tenth to make sure you have gotten settled, and I will leave August 15th as that is the day your classes begin." 

"Daddy you'll miss me too much! And what about Scarlett!" I tried my best to look sad and miserable while holding my beloved pet cat up for added points.

"Scarlett will go with you. I have ensured that they allow cats, and as for me..." he turned around to look at me once again. I did my best to give him a sad, irresistible face.

"As for me, I will be content knowing that you are safe and being well educated at such a fine institution like the one your very own mother once went to" he turned back around and started blabbing about its "amenities" and corny clubs. I mean, water polo, seriously? How pretentious can a place get? I glanced down at the brochure he was holding out to me and I reluctantly plucked it from his fingers. The corners of his lips turned upward and he turned around to announce lunchtime.

"Oh, I'm not hungry." he just as quickly turned around and looked me in the eye I sighed preparing myself for his lecture.

"Three meals, two snacks a day, that's what we agreed on" he chided, I sighed.

"I know! I just happened to have a very large morning snack, I'll have a bigger dinner if you allow me to trust myself and the fact that I don't feel hungry right now." He glanced down at the brochure that I clutched in my sweaty palm.

"You know, I'll have to let the administrator know about your problem if you can't keep it under control." I sighed and walked to the refrigerator, picking out a banana and wiggling it in the air.

"No need father dearest" he sighed and sat at the table, "very well, if you have any questions about Montgomery, please let me know"

"Alright!" I sang-song through a piece of banana in my mouth, already halfway up the stairs, Scarlett following closely.

No fucking way I was going.

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