My heart shatters

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"But looook! She's so cute!" I whined.

"Okay Amelie, let's go to class." Jimena guided my shoulders in the direction of my Ceramics class. 

"looook!" I held the phone up to her face, a picture of a little grandma wearing a green outfit covered the screen of my cracked phone.

"Girl you need to buy a phone case," Jimen commented.

"Don't Judge me!" I was in absolute shock at the fact that Jimena wasn't dying at the cuteness.

"I stayed up all night researching her, she's 81 years and she's been doing this for 25 years! Isn't that so cute? I think I should be like her, green is my favorite color!" 

"Think that over before you make the decision."

Before entering the ceramics studio, I rolled my eyes at Jimena's (probably valid) suggestion.

I gasped excitedly at the sight of Lola sitting at her wheel "Hi Lola!"

"Hmmm?" Lola looked up and her pink hair fell back to reveal her bloodshot eyes. She was going to appreciate this. 

"Lola look!"

"huh?" she says again.

 I hold the phone up for her to see the picture of the very green grandma.

"Whoa, what the fuck. Are you shitting me right now? She's cute." I grinned at the appreciation and nodded proudly. She sent me a thumbs-up before flopping her head back down.

"Alright class, Amelie please take your seat. Today we will be glazing our projects to send them to the kiln!" The teacher enters the room and announces.

This is so exciting, I'm making Hudson a mug with a cat on it, they're his favorite animal. I'm pretty sure he likes Scarlett more than me. I'm also going to make the cat purple since it's his favorite color.

"Your mug is so cute Amelie!" The girl who sat in front of me complimented me.

"Thank you, Fatima! What'd you make?" I set my mug down and leaned forward to peek at her creation.

"It's supposed to be a butterfly-shaped bowl slash plate?" She held up the bowl plate and I immediately understood. 

"Lola! Lola! Lola!" I called excitedly once realizing it was shaped like a butterfly.

"Can I?" I asked, Fatima. She nodded and handed it to me "Look, Lola, It's a butterfly!" I excitedly held it up.

"What is that? It's going to make me cry." Lola whispered.

"Huh?" Fatima asked worriedly.

"It's a good thing, don't you worry," I assured her and she nodded, still a little hesitant.

"Alright class, come up and choose your glaze please." The teacher instructed.

I went up and chose the lilac one. For my last project, I made Gabby a pink tray for her nail stuff. I have yet to figure out what to make Jimena, but I figure Hudson will at least use it for drinking his coffee. Exciting!


"Hudson! Ohhhh Hudson!" I knocked on his door. I came to look for Hudson straight from picking up my project from the kiln.

"Hudsoooooooooooon" I refuse to open the door myself seeing as I almost saw Hudson in his birth suit last time. Actually would I- no.

The door opened suddenly "Hello?" It was Ashton and his face was red. 

"um, hi. Sorry, am I interrupting something?" I ask awkwardly.

He glanced back into the room and I noticed Gabby sitting on his wrinkled bed, her blonde hair slightly messy. Holy shart. I glance back at Ashton and notice the purple spots on his neck. HOLY SHART.

"Way to go Gabby!" I yell past him and congratulate her. Glad I didn't open the door.

I see her turn red all over again and I grin proudly, "Alright, I'm off to find Hudson. You youngins have fun." 

I start brainstorming a ship name and make a mental note to tell everyone to help me. Right now, I'm on a mission to find Hudson. It's almost Halloween and I am so stinking excited. Jimena and I have been planning costumes. So far, we have secret agents and Alice in Wonderland planned. 

Alice in Wonderland reminds me of this one book I read when I was around 12. The queen of hearts and the court jester fell in love but then he died or something. It was highly depressing and I'm pretty sure my dad was concerned for me when I cried all day. What can I say? It was the first tragic romance I had ever read. I make sure to remember to tell Hudson all this. Oh, and tell him about the green lady!

Speaking of tragic romance, Fernanda is walking my way. Woah what do I do? I look ahead of me and hold the mug behind my back, I may have also written Hudson's name on it in my best cursive. I was proud of it when I did it, but the thought of Fernanda seeing it is kind of embarrassing to me. 

She stops in front of me with a cloud of designer perfume surrounding her. "Oh hi. I did not see you there." Fernanda states simply. I nod and try to walk away without her seeing the mug that I held behind my back.

"What is that?" Fernanda asks and I freeze. 

"Umm, it's nothing." I try to excuse myself before making another attempt to walk away.

Suddenly, she snatches it from my hands. "I knew you were crazy. Why do you have Hudson's name on a cup?" She laughs

"I made it for him." I try and take the mug back and she laughs again.

"This is so tacky and embarrassing. like, what? is he going to forget his name?." Somehow, her accent makes it sound meaner.

I turn red and try and take it from her once again. Instead, she moves her hands and it "slips" from them. I try and catch the mug before it falls but I fail miserably and suddenly, it's on the floor shattered into a few big purple chunks and a million tiny pieces. I stare at the mess while Fernanda walks away. I try and make my brain blank to stop the tears from falling. It was just a stupid mug, it's fine. He probably would've thought I was weird if I actually gave it to him. Fernanda knows him better than I do.

Salty tears silently stream down my face while I pick up the largely broken shards, go and find a broom, sweep up the small pieces, and throw it all in the bin.

Hopefully, I update again tomorrow! If you are into astrology, what signs do Amelie and Hudson seem like they are? I need to start planning out their birthdays and I think it would be cool to make them like the signs people think they are? And I h...

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Hopefully, I update again tomorrow! If you are into astrology, what signs do Amelie and Hudson seem like they are? I need to start planning out their birthdays and I think it would be cool to make them like the signs people think they are? And I have 0 knowledge about personalities according to astrology signs lol.

Also, I do think I will make this a fairly short book, hopefully no more than 30-ish chapters because I want to start my new book, and I do not want to be writing two different books at the same time. take care! xoxo

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