Make believe

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"This behavior is unacceptable for an institute like Montogomery, do you understand this?"

"Yes, headmaster."

"I honestly did not expect this from you, Miss Costas."

"I'm sorry headmaster."

"Breaking into the pool house after curfew with a boy, not to mention what you were doing with said boy inside the pool. Absolutely unacceptable."

"It won't happen again, headmaster."

"Well, I sure hope so." she tuts and I roll my eyes.

"Oh, excellent! Your father has decided to join us." She turns her laptop toward me, and my dad with a very stern expression on his face is projected on the screen. I could tell he was sitting in his studio. He's wearing his thick-framed glasses and his curly hair has more pops of grey than I remember. He's wearing that dark blue jumper that I used to steal from him when I was little. 

"This was supposed to be a fresh start for you, Amelie." His disappointment makes my heart freeze. It sounds worse than when I would go out clubbing until 2 back in New York. Worse than when I would end up on the front cover of the tabloids for flashing someone. Worse than when I would buy the skimpiest dresses possible and parade around the city in them.

"Your mom would be so disappointed in you." My heart lodges in my throat this time. How dare he? He thought he could bring up my mom. What happened to the man who forever grieved her?  What happened to the man who would switch out flowers from her favorite vase every Monday morning? Now she was just a cautionary to get in my head? 

The headmaster turns the computer back to herself "She has two months of detention, the same amount as the boy she was caught with."

I hear my dad sigh and agree with the headmaster. I sit in silence while the headmaster continues telling my dad all the bullshit she already told me. I feel as if I'm about to explode. 

Would my mom be disappointed in me? She was so amazing when she went here, valedictorian and all. I can't be with Hudson, I kiss him once and everything goes to shit. I wonder if my mom would like Hudson. She would. My mom was obsessed with coffee, and she always announced that when she turned 60 she was going to divorce my dad and buy 60 cats, one for every year she's lived. Tears well in my eyes at the thought that she didn't make it to 60.

I hear the little blip of my dad logging off the video conference. "Your detentions are on weekdays, usually they'll start at 4 pm and end around 7 pm unless you finish your set task early. You can report to the janitor's office before and after each detention for your assignments." Great.

"That is all, you may go now Amelie." She excuses me, and I hop up to run out of the door, ready to explode.

I start running once I close her large, wooden office doors. 

Would my mom be disappointed in me?

Should I stop being around Hudson?

What would my mom do in my situation?

Would she even be in this situation in the first place?

I don't want to stop spending time with Hudson, he's made me feel more at home than anything or anyone for the past three years.

God, or anyone up there, What do I do?

I'm sprinting and I don't know where to. I can't go to my dorm, Lola will be there. My mom wouldn't approve of our friendship.

If I go to Jimena and Gabby's I'll have to explain everything. I mean, they know about my mom being dead because of the news and all. They know I went wild after her death because of gossip channels. What they don't know is how crazy my panic attacks are. The first one happened after my mom's funeral. My dad had to take me to the ER to calm me down and even then, it took them an hour. 

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