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Hudson's pov 

"Amelie did what?" I asked Ashton from where I sat on my bed, my back against the headboard.

Ashton's face turned bright red and I grinned, awaiting his answer. "Amelie nearly walked in on me and Gabby last week."

okay... "You and Gabby? Congrats man, better have used protection though." Ashton somehow turns redder.

"not like that." he blurts out.

"Alright. Hey, speaking of Amelie, have you seen her lately?" I hadn't talked to her for more than a few seconds recently. She's been avoiding me in study hall by actually studying, and she always finds someone else to sit by in the classes we have together. 

"You mean she hasn't talked to you? She said she had something to give you." What?

"What did she want to give me?" I ask, now intrigued

"Dunno, she was hiding it behind her back." Ashton shrugs. "Let's get to practice now, yeah? First big game coming up." Shit, he's right. I'll have to look for Amelie after soccer practice.

I wondered if I had done anything wrong. I retraced everything I had said or done last week. I teased her about her hair one morning at breakfast. I told her it looked like a golden cloud, is that mean? Should I apologize? Maybe she's insecure about it. She has no reason to be, but I didn't mean to make her feel worse about it. I'll look for her after practice and apologize.

"ALL RIGHT LINE UP, LINE UP" I snapped out of my daze at the coach's yelling. Practice and the upcoming game against Revenfield Academy could probably distract me for a little while. Revenfield kinda sucks, but there's a rumor going around that they got a new center forward that's gotten the same training as a bunch of famous soccer players. We gotta up our game for what's usually the easiest game of the season.

I run toward the goal and kick the ball while the curly-haired goalie, Emilio, launches himself too high up. I wonder if Amelie is coming to the game on Saturday? It would be pretty cool if she did. I make a goal and turn around. I notice that everyone else has paused in bewilderment. Shit, I got in the wrong goal. So much for distraction. 

"ALL RIGHT EVERYONE START RUNNING, KEEP RUNNING UNTIL YOU SEE BLACK SPOTS, AND THEN DROP AND GIVE ME 50, THEN START RUNNING AGAIN UNTIL I SAY SO SINCE LAVIGNE CAN'T SEEM TO FOCUS TODAY." The coach yells. Fuck, his favorite punishment is group punishment because everyone is hard on the guy that caused it afterward. Oh well, at least I get to see Amelie after practice.


"Fuck you man," Ashton complains for the one-hundredth time while we walk to our dorm from the showers. I ignore him and he says something about going to see Gabrielle. He throws his towel at me and I let it drop on the floor.

"Fuck you." He says. I flip him the bird and turn around, leaving his nasty towel on the floor. He's in an especially bitter mood because he threw up at practice after like five laps of running. Not my fault, I warned him to not eat three bowls of pasta right before practice and he went and did it anyway.

I need to give Amelie something, to say sorry. I remember there were these little paper animals that my ex-stepsister had hanging from her room, those would be cool. I think Amelie would appreciate them.

I decided to send Ella a quick message to ask her about them, she's around 13 I think?

                                                                                                                                     Hey Ella, how are you doing?

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