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"Ere's the rags." The janitor handed me a stack of rags, "And the bucket." He handed me a big yellow bucket full of soapy water.

"Every square inch of this room scrubbed down." I look around the large expanse of the abandoned room. 

"Alright, you've got errything ya need." He turned and walked out of the room, slamming the door behind him. 

"Goodbye, Mr. Wood!" He was already gone.


I tied my hair up into a bun and looked around the room, it was dusty and muddy all over. There was nothing in the room except for empty shelves lining the walls. Apparently, they were opening a new elective option for next year and they need this room for it. Better get started.

I walk over to the shelves, deciding to start with them. They'll also need to be polished afterward. Maybe I could comment this to the janitor. 

I'm not allowed music so it's me and my thoughts for the next couple of hours, I don't mind I suppose.

I dip the rag into the bucket, squeezing it out a bit first before beginning to wipe the crust and cobwebs off the first shelf.

Jimena and I have started gathering everything for our Halloween costumes and I am so excited. We're going as- well, I can't tell you, then it wouldn't be a surprise now, would it?

I think my costume is coming together pretty well and I'm planning Hudson's as well. This reminds me, I have to ask him if he's even down to dress up with us in the first place. They're having a huge Halloween party. It's on a Saturday night, so everything has aligned perfectly.

An hour later, I stood back to admire the wall of shelves that looked perfectly shiny and new compared to the rest of the dull, dusty, and lifeless room. 

I decide to take a break after all my hard work. I sit with my knees up to my chest, my back against the wall. Montgomery has a super strict no-smoking policy. Regardless, most people smoke shamelessly in their dorms. 

I can't do this because Lola and I are both being watched closely. I found this out after her first night here when we got high and my dad arrived. He could tell we had been smoking and advised me to stop being around Lola, that she was on close watch. After the pool night incident, I am on close watch too. 

I mean, one Marlboro red can't hurt, right? 

I pull the pack out of my overall shorts pocket. Fuck, I don't have a light. 

"Need a light?" What.

I shove the box back into my pocket and stand up as quickly as possible.

Oh, it's Hudson. "Fuck you, Hudson!" I exclaim light-heartedly. He laughs and throws me a black lighter. 

"Thanks, want one?" 

I offer the box to him. He shakes his head and sits down where I was previously sitting. I plop myself down next to him. 

"I like your outfit." He notes.

"Thanks." I light my cig and inhale.

I started smoking when I was around fifteen. My dad stopped smoking when I was born, he said he wanted to be healthy for me. He started smoking again when mom died.

I take a long drag out of it and hand it to Hudson. He takes it and inhales slightly before exhaling a large cloud of smoke. When it's down to a little butt, we smoke another one.

When that one is done, we get up and finish wiping down the classroom. We finish a little before my detention is over. He kisses me so marvelously before leaving. 

The janitor congratulates me on my hard work.

On Tuesday he sneaks in as soon as the janitor leaves and we finish mopping the row of classrooms assigned to me before sunset. We sit on top of a desk in a room with the most windows and watch the sunset. The janitor was shocked I finished mopping all the classrooms in one detention.

On Wednesday he sneaks into the pool room halfway through my detention. We clean the pool together while belting out Queen's Good Old Fashioned Loverboy. We finish cleaning the pool a little before the janitor arrives. He kisses me and I kiss him back, I never want to pull away. I am forced to when I hear the janitor's rattling cart approaching. Hudson hides in the pool closet while I proudly show off the clean pool to Mr. Wood. When the Janitor gives his grunt of approval and leaves, I am pulled into the closet and kissed fervently. "My proud girl," he says.

On Thursday I am scraping the gum off of the desks of every single STEM classroom in the building, this punishment is supposed to last me multiple days. Hudson arrives while I stab at a particularly stubborn chunk of bubblegum. "Woah, what'd it ever do to you?" I laugh and hand him another scraper tool that I talked the janitor into giving me. We talk about our career paths, and how terrifying the future is. I am invited to one of his gigs in the city next weekend. We finish scraping the gum off a full classroom's desks. He kisses my head and gives me a piece of my favorite candy before leaving the classroom.

On Friday he appears as soon as the janitor shuts the door. I kiss him, and we share a cigarette before starting. I finally brought up the idea I had for our Halloween costumes. He agrees wholeheartedly and I hum excitedly. We prolong our work, finishing scraping the gum off half a classroom's worth of desks before the janitor arrives. The janitor grunts in approval and I walk out of the classroom to see a waiting Hudson leaning against the wall. I snort at the thought of the janitor coming out and seeing Hudson like this. He kisses me once again and I blush. He laughs and walks away.

 Love ya, stay hydrated, take care, xoxo

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 Love ya, stay hydrated, take care, xoxo

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