Everything but the kitchen sink sundaes

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Lola crashed into the dorm at 3:45 am. She was clearly, extremely intoxicated. I sighed. The grey knit sweater she had left the dorm in was nowhere to be seen, and now she was only wearing a thin white tank top and her boxer shorts. I noticed that she had a new tattoo on her arm. What's the tattoo? You may wonder. It's Boots, as in the monkey from Dora the Exploradora. I rolled my eyes and pushed her toward her bed.

"Shut the fuck up!" came her slurred voice. I ignored her and covered her with her comforter. She flopped onto her back.

"No Lola, onto your side. Lay on your side." A groan came as her response. I sighed, pulling her onto her side and setting her trash can next to her bed in case she was going to be sick. I decided to go get her something for when she woke up from the kitchen. 

"I'll be right back Lola," I whispered although she was most likely asleep. I slipped a white, chunky cardigan on top of my silk sleeping tank top. Shoving my feet into my Garfield slippers, I turned to leave but tripped over Lola's discarded backpack on the floor. I groaned rubbing at my hip bone on the floor. Making a mental note to grab ice for my hip once I got to the kitchen, I grabbed her backpack and set it on the desk.

Once I was halfway to the kitchen, I regretted my decision to leave in my pastel blue sleep shorts. It is freezing out in the halls. I shivered, my teeth chattering all the way to the secret entrance that my friends had shown me. I felt around the wall for the corner, pushed it in, and took a step back. The wall popped open, but to my surprise, the lights were not turned off. I peered inside warily. Stepping in quietly, biting my lip at the dull ache in my hip. I crept further in, grabbing the long metal ladle that was previously hanging from the wall. I held it up as if it were a baseball bat, ready to swing on a motherfucker. 

I jumped when I saw a tall boy leaning against the counter. I widened my stance and jammed my eyes shut holding the ladle up ready to swing, A couple of beats passed before a familiar voice questioned me

"Are you planning on swinging that thing on me? Cause if I were you, I would do it before the sun rises. Oh, and most likely with my eyes open." I realized that I hadn't swung yet. I squinted an eye open to see Hudson leaning against the counter, sipping on a mug of coffee.

"Hudson!" I greeted

"Amelie?!" he greeted back clearly confused.

I suddenly remembered my reason for being here when I took a step forward and my hip yelled at me. I walked over and set the ladle back to where it was previously hanging. 

"So, whatcha doin' here?" I asked him while opening the freezer that they kept the ice in and scooped it up with a plastic bag.

"Couldn't sleep" He shrugged.

"Are you sure that coffee helps you with that?" I leaned back on the counter and tied the bag tightly. He ignored my question and looked down at the bag in my hand questioningly. 

"What's the ice for?" he asked, changing the subject.

"I fell on my hip." I placed the bag of ice on my hip and my teeth began chattering once again. God, it's freezing.

"I like your slippers." I glanced down at his compliment. shit, I forgot about the Garfield slippers. Have to own it now I guess.

"Thank you very much." I struck a pose making sure that the slippers were in his eyeline. He chuckled.

"You are something else, Amelie." I shrugged and turned back to the ice bag, carefully placing it in a less awkward position.

I turned to look at him and realized that he was spacing out. "Are you okay?" his eyes looked pained in a way that made me wish I could go beat Fernanda's ass. I knew that fighting wouldn't fix it. He needs time and a sort of mourning period to stop feeling for Fernanda. Any major change especially one like leaving a toxic relationship would leave someone grieving. I just wanted to speed it up so badly.

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