The bare minimum

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I unzipped my skirt, tugging it down.

"Hot," Lola called from her bed. I rolled my eyes. She had woken up five minutes before class, more hungover than ever. The toast and Advil that I eventually brought her from the kitchen helped her out slightly. Well, they gave her just enough of a boost to convince her to get out of bed and actually go to class.

"Ey, what happened to your hip?" I glanced down upon hearing her question. A bruise the size of a baseball blemished my hip bone. I rolled my eyes, ignoring her question. I pulled my baby blue and white pajama pants on and turned away from Lola's booing and thumbs-down that came from her side of our dorm. Today's classes were better than yesterday's.

7:00- 8:00: Breakfast

8:30- 10:00: Botany Aryan and Jimena

10:15- 11:45: Study hall Hudson

12:00- 1:30: Physics Gabrielle and Jimena

1:45- 2:45: Lunch

3:00- 4:30: Music History Damon, Hudson, and Heather

I may partially like second days more than first days because I have more friends and because classes end earlier. This may partially be because I fully consider Hudson a friend now. I guess I'll have to update my friends list on yesterday's schedule tomorrow now that I also know Jimena and Gabrielle. Speaking of which, they showed me where a majority of the classrooms were this morning and I am eternally grateful. I hope I have more classes with them, they're so amazing.

I picked Scarlett up and let Lola know that I was going to Jimena and Gabrielle's dorm before dinner in case she needed me. Her reply was a burp.

 I had already done my homework during study hall today, so I was all set for tomorrow. I was going to go over picking out extracurriculars with Jimena and Gabrielle in their dorm. They demanded I bring Scarlett which I hardly refused seeing as Scarlett and I are a package deal. I knocked on the glitter-covered door and it swung open.

"Girl! You don't have to knock, come in!" I grinned and skipped in. Scarlett immediately jumped out of my arms and ran to Gabrielle. Hmmph, traitor. 

Jimena had a bag of lime-flavored chips in her hand. I could hear SZA blaring loud and clear from behind her. She offered me a chip and I grabbed one, thanking her. 

"Okay, sit down," Jimena said, straight to the business. Gabrielle was sitting crisis cross apple sauce on their rug. Jimena plopped down on the rug and I sat down shortly after. They had pulled out three pamphlets and they had a pencil pouch full of every color Sharpie imaginable. 

"Okay, so we have to start thinking about signing up quickly because the first years always wanna do the cool stuff." Jimena grabbed a bottle of salsa Valentina and poured some into her chip bag. "However what they don't know, is that if you don't sign up quickly, the clubs run out of space. They think it's different or some shit because this is a boarding school, but really,  it's the same thing." Club sign-ups start on Sunday morning. The only way to get a guaranteed spot in an extracurricular is if you joined it last year and reserved a spot for this year."

"Did you guys do that last year?" I asked them both

"Gabrielle reserved a spot on the volleyball team, but I didn't reserve anything." I nodded my head at her response.

Jimena handed me a pamphlet, "Okay circle the ones that you know you want to do in pink, and the ones that you're not sure of in blue." She handed me the Sharpies. 

I looked at the pamphlet, they have a minimum of one extracurricular and a maximum of 5, one of the newer rules. I circled fencing and book club in blue. So maybe I had only agreed to this because I wanted to hang out with Gabby and Jimena.

When the three of us were done, I showed them my pamphlet and they showed me theirs. 

"Look, Gabrielle and Amelie, you both circled book club." Jimena showed me. 

"And, about fencing, it's like pretty hard to join if you have no experience of fencing, do you?" Gabrielle asked me.

"I've been fencing for like, four years. Is that enough?"

"um, duh." 

"What are you guys joining?" I asked them and they handed me their pamphlets.

Gabrielle was joining volleyball, the designing club, the book club, and field hockey.

Jimena was joining soccer and orchestra.

"Okay, but seriously, you think about those and we'll meet you at your dorm on Sunday morning to go sign up, yeah?" I agreed to Jimena's proposal.

"Now, Gabrielle has like the most insane eyeshadow palette collection, do you know how to do makeup? Because we do!" 

"Now, Gabrielle has like the most insane eyeshadow palette collection, do you know how to do makeup? Because we do!" 

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Hello everyone! Short little chapter for ya, love you and take care! xoxo

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