A winter wonderland

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I excitedly look outside through Hudson's dorm window, "Look Hudson, It's snowing! It's officially winter!"

"Yeah, and it's fucking freezing" He murmurs into his pillow. For once, I was woken up before him. Hudson just finished his last detention yesterday and I am feeling very cheery.

"Okay, but, come look!" I jump excitedly at the snowflakes that gracefully fell.

"I'll look later, you're gonna freeze to death love." He lifts up his comforter-covered arm to make space for me on the bed. 

I roll my eyes but walk over and lay back under the comforter and his warm arm. "You're freezing." He notes while running his hand over my arm.

"A little, but, do you know how exciting this is for me! I love snow! In New York, my dad and I would always play in the snow while my mom made cinnamon hot chocolate. She always hated the cold. When my dad and I were done playing in the snow, we would go inside and drink my mom's hot chocolate while she told us stories about her experiences with snow and the cold when she first moved to the U.S." 

I can't sit still from my excitement. I realize that Hudson is wide awake now too, "Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to wake you." I try and calm down so that Hudson can keep sleeping.

"You're alright." He murmurs while watching me. Ugh, he has such a cute morning voice.

"Tell me more about your mom?" He asks gently. 

"My mom was amazing Hudson, she would've loved you so much." I turn and lay on my side to face him. He looks me in the eye while I think of more.

"My mom didn't want to be a model, she wanted to be a veterinarian, but when she was at the mall one time, this dude came up to her and told her she could be a model. Well, after she lost a couple of pounds. My mom paid no mind to this, but unfortunately, her mom was there. My grandmother became obsessed with the thought of her only daughter becoming a model. After that, my grandma was so restrictive. She would neglect her son while she forced her daughter to run until she passed out. I mean, she quite literally would not let her daughter go inside the house until she was either passed out from running or crying." 

I feel Hudson's arm pull me in tighter and I count the freckles on his stomach before continuing.

"When my mom started modeling, it got worse. Because now, it wasn't just her mother, it was her agent, her company, the stylists, the paparazzi, and the tabloids. She was just in horrible conditions. My uncle, her younger brother, didn't go with them to the U.S. He was staying with an aunt. My mom found out he killed himself right before going onstage about a year after being in the U.S. He was only 14 years old. In the note, he talked about how neglectful my grandmother was to him, so my grief-ridden grandmother blamed my mom. My grandmother went back to the U.S., and my mom never saw her again."

I yawn and start tracing shapes onto his arm, now is the time to tell him.

"By then, she was too far into the whole eating disorder thing. Any fan of hers probably remembers her Claire de Lune show. She was wearing a black and plaid outfit, and she looked hauntingly miserable. People always call that show iconic because they always think she was just acting. The truth is that the show was right after her mom left, the news about her brother was still fresh, and she couldn't afford to go to the funeral because she could barely pay rent."

I looked up at Hudson to see he was already watching me closely.

"The light in all this  for her was that her daughter was never going to go through the same thing." I shrug. 

"I'm sorry that your mom had to go through all that." He apologizes while kissing my forehead. "She sounds like a wonderful woman."

"Mhm, it's actually kind of funny that that didn't really work out for her." I blurt out.

I close my eyes and yawn, suddenly growing sleepy after all my storytelling. I don't think much about what I said until I feel Hudson pull away from me. "Wait, what?" 

"Yeah, that unfortunately didn't work out for my mom," I say with my eyes closed.

"What do you mean Ames?" I don't answer him "Amelie?" He puts his hands on my shoulders and I open my eyes. He's staring at me intensely. I shrink under his gaze.

"Amelie, what do you mean?" He repeats.

"Nothing, I just sort of have some trouble eating sometimes. After my mom died, and I started going out more. The paparazzi kept putting out these articles about my weight and body shape. I just figured they'd stop if I skipped a couple of meals. Then, those couple of meals turned into eating once a day. Eventually, I stopped eating."

Hudson was hugging me now, my head was under his chin. "I'm kind of better now. I mean, my dad sent me to this eating disorder treatment facility and I started eating again. I just have trouble sometimes, that's all."

He squeezes me even tighter "I'm sorry Ames, you don't deserve that. How often do you struggle with eating?" 

"I don't know, I always have... thoughts in my head that I know aren't true, they're just kinda there. They make it hard for me to eat sometimes, especially when I believe them." 

"I'm sorry." He whispers.

"I'm not sure this will help you, but those thoughts? None of them are true, alright?" I nod my head and he runs his hand over my back while whispering sweet nothings into my ear. I think I feel at peace.

 I think I feel at peace

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^Amelie and Hudson.

This is a super short chapter because I feel it should just be left at that, I hope you enjoyed reading this.

Also, it's December already if you couldn't tell. Sorry if the time skips are confusing, I just want to get going with the timeline lol. 


Take care, xoxo

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