I hate myself.

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What am I doing? God, this is so embarrassing. 

I mean It's like negative degrees in the halls, I had no other option. I glared at Lola for laughing at me. I wanted this tour and I wasn't going to get rid of one of the two friends I have at the moment.

"You look like a marshmallow" Lola teased.

"A warm marshmallow" I interjected

"Still a marshmallow!" If looks could kill, Lola Berry would be dead. 

Besides, I happen to think I look very gorgeous and elegant in my choice of attire. 

"I love the little penguins." I glared once again at the pink-haired bully before self-consciously glancing down at my fuzzy penguin pajama bottoms. I bought them at Target a couple of years ago and they're the comfiest thing I own.

"My little Amelie!" Lola shouted.

I glanced at her and back at myself in the mirror. Lola is high. I wish I were too, but I also think that it's a rude second impression to be high while someone attempts to give you a tour. I turned pulling my yellow Converse out from under my bed and shoving them on my feet. 

"Bye Lola, see you later," I turned and waited for a response while stroking Scarlett's fur, Lola mumbled something about penguins being allergic to hot chocolate.

"Okay, sounds great Lola" I turned and walked out of the room making sure to close the door lightly and lock it, double and triple checking that the key was in my pocket, Lola had already lost hers.


"Amelie!" Aryan was waiting for me with his arms out and a smile on his face. I smiled back and hugged him. 

"You cold?" He asked while holding in a laugh at the sight of my attire.

"You clearly don't feel how it's literally frozen! I swear it's as if Elsa herself roams these halls or some shit. I quite literally can not feel my toes. And you're probably insane because you're not even wearing a jacket and I'm fully trusting you, a completely random boy. You're super tall what is that like 6 foot 4? Oh wait you're British so you probably don't even know. But the point is that I'm trusting you which is kind of stupid on my part but also, you wear grandpa sweaters so I actually do trust you-" I was abruptly and rudely cut off by a boy running our way.

"Aryan this better be some serious shit, I was with Gabrielle!" He was shorter than Aryan maybe around 5 foot 10-ish? He looks like a walking stereotype of a California surfer boy.

"Who is this?" He asked Aryan.

"This is Amelie, and we're giving her a tour once Hudson and Damon get here, Amelie this is Ashton, he's one of my best mates." Ashton smiled at me I smiled back nervously, especially at the thought of meeting all of these people at the same time.

"Hey, Aryan can I talk with you for a minute?" I watched as Ashton smiled awkwardly and then pulled Aryan aside.

"dude, how is this SOS? I told you that I was with Gabrielle, Gabrielle!"

"Shhh lower your voice" They both turned toward me before turning around again.

"She's like the only person that's new in our year mate, come on!" I rolled my eyes at their attempt to be discreet.

"Hey love, sorry bout them, I'm Damon" I heard in my ear. what?! In an attempt to turn around and pull out my Kim Possible moves. I spin and shove my fists in his face, prepared to fight for my honor.

"Woah there!" He held up his hands. His voice was British I could tell, but differently than Aryan's voice, it sounded deeper where as Aryan's was raspier. Holy shit this school is just full of models. He's dark-skinned, and he has dimples which are always cute, but the real stunners are most def his eyes which twinkle in the same way that his earrings do. 

"Omg you remind me of Aryan, have you met him? This is how I met him too. I mean, not exactly but I was like sitting there, and then Aryan who is probably your friend is what I'm realizing now. Anywho, he just appeared out of thin air and scared the french fries out of me. And then I was like holy shit! I nearly fell off my chair. But you know what this must be a common denominator for your friend group. I mean I'm just sounding kind of weird but that's because I'm not used to having friends or being around a lot of people my age because last year I was pulled out of school in the middle of the year so I was homeschooled and all my friends were fake and-" I gasped for air and opened my mouth to continue but instead Damon laughed.

"She's a riot mate, c'mon let's go" he threw his arm over my shoulder, not that I could feel it over my 1000 layers of clothes. The four of us started walking before Aryan halted to a stop and held his arm out for us to stop too.

"where's Hudson?" I wondered who Hudson was while I heard Damon blow air out of his mouth,

"Yeah, he's not coming mate, he's havin' a bit of a bout with Fernanda again" I watched as Aryan rolled his eyes, and we started walking again. 

"Who is Hudson, and who is Fernanda?" I asked, feeling completely lost. 

 Damon leaned down to speak into my ear "You'll meet Hudson soon enough, and pray to whoever it is that you believe in that you never meet Fernanda." 

"Alright enough about them" Aryan clapped his hands together.

"It is time for your official tour of all the things that are actually important here at Montgomery" he was walking backward and I stared at the ground, terrified that he would trip over something the same way that I usually do when walking backward but it seemed as though he were walking on a cloud.

"per example, this trophy case, is not important at all" he shook his head while gesturing toward it 

Ashton pointed toward a water fountain next to it "This, however, is the most important water fountain on campus. It's the one that most regularly gets cleaned, and it has the coldest water"

"Why?" I asked while walking toward it

"It's closest to the entrance, gives everyone a good first impression or summat" Damon supplied

"Ohhhh," I said in understanding, the three boys nodded their heads solemnly.

Boom fifth chapter is #done, I haven't even introduced Hudson yet and he was supposed to be Amelie's main love interest, but I kind of like the sort of chemistry that Damon and Amelie have going on

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Boom fifth chapter is #done, I haven't even introduced Hudson yet and he was supposed to be Amelie's main love interest, but I kind of like the sort of chemistry that Damon and Amelie have going on. I do have someone planned for Damon in the future though!hehe Now I have to stop putting off washing the dishes. I hope you enjoyed! xoxo

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