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"Sooo..." I quietly spoke. Jimena and Gabrielle had invited me to their dorm once we were done with our meal. Their room was much more welcoming than mine and Lola's.

Gabrielle's side had pale pink bedding and cohesive posters. Cozy fairy lights strung around her walls. Her desk was full of nail stuff, and she was currently about to do mine. 

"you said you wanted cats?" she asked me. I held Scarlett, whom they said was welcome in their dorm, up.

"Do you think that you can paint her on my nails?" She smiled and nodded before turning back to her dresser to grab something. Jimena was lying on her navy blue duvet while staring at the ceiling. She was wearing plaid pajama pants and an oversized black sabbath t-shirt that matched a lot of her posters. She felt my gaze on her and she turned to me, her dark eyes meeting mine from the pink office chair that I was sitting on.

"You wanna know about Hudson and Fernanda?" She was grinning knowingly at me. I shrugged.

"Well if you don't, too bad!" She sat on the fluffy rug on their floor and reached under her bed to pull out a bag of sour gummies that were offered to me and Gabrielle. Gabrielle grabbed a handful and I took one to be polite, quietly biting the edges of it while she began her story.

"So... it all started during our first year here. Fernanda is Italian and she hardly knew any English at the time but she had been accepted into this school because her dad has made like, a billion different donations to the buildings here or whatever. So, she needed to have a tutor to teach her English, and lucky for her, Hudson was looking for extra credit to start his year off right." Jimena paused and pulled a can of Pringles out from under her bed as well. 

"Do you want cats on all of your nails or just on certain ones?" I paused to think about Gabrielle's question for a minute before telling her to do whatever she wanted.

"So," Jimena continued through a mouthful of pringles "Gabby already knew Hudson by this point, I didn't meet him until our second year. Right, Gab?"

"Mhm," Gabrielle answered, "They started dating around October, The whole school went like crazy since Hudson has always been good-looking."

"Ooo girl, would Ashton approve of you calling his friend good-looking?" Jimena teased Gabrielle and she blushed. 

"Shut up, he hasn't even asked me out yet!" Gabrielle said while aggressively filing my nail

"Clue word: Yet." Jimena dodged the nail file that was thrown at her.

"Anywhoo... he is and has been handsome, no denying it." Jimena shrugged.

"Mhm," Gabrielle hummed with a smug look on her face before beginning her story again.

 "The first time that they broke up was because of me... well, more so Fernanda being convinced that Hudson had a thing for me. That was when I kind of realized that Fernanda easily gets jealous. I mean, Hudson and I had met at orientation and our friendship has always been strictly platonic, ya know?" I nodded my head while she continued "They got back together right before the end of the year and he went to Italy with her because his dad was photographing the Himalayas or something. Apparently, they broke up three times that summer. They came back to school broken up, Hudson said that it was for good and refused to say anything else, but everyone knew that they were hooking up. Right before Halloween, Fernanda showed up at his dorm, crying that she missed him and they were back together. They broke up again around the time that Hudson met Jimena, Fernanda accused him of cheating on her with Jimena." 

Jimena cut her off, "I told her that I'm a lesbian and that I don't like Hudson in the slightest! That crazy bitch was all like oh, I don't believe you, you had sex with Hudson." Jimena had an incredulous look on her face after quoting what Fernanda had told her. Oh, I want to fight her.

Jimena shoved a stack of Pringles in her mouth and offered me the can, I shook my head. She shrugged and proceeded to tell the story. "They broke up around February and I mean, Hudson kept being my friend because I'm his friend right? He didn't know what Fernanda had said to me, but he had told her that I'm lesbian and she still ignored him. I was already out at this point, so I didn't care about who knew. He started sleeping around with other girls and Fernanda was like, furious. She said that she was going to get him expelled yadda yadda." Jimena rolled her eyes to emphasize how weird Fernanda is. I glanced down at my nails.

"Oh! Gabrielle these are so cute!" She smiled while painting a little paw on my ring finger. Jimena let out a loud burp and threw the empty Pringles can into their trash bin. 

"Well, final stretch," Jimena announced. "He got back together with her after she sent him a love letter about how much she misses him bla, bla, bla" Jimena made air quotes around the love letter part, "He went with her to Italy again, and they actually returned still dating. They didn't break up the whole summer, but she kept accusing him of looking at other girls, and well, you know the rest."

I was mad. I felt like pushing Fernanda off of a stepstool, that was on top of a cliff.

 After about an hour of Gabrielle and Jimena catching me up on drama about anyone and everyone, I told them that I had to head back to my dorm, they hugged me and gave me a bag of tamarindo candy while promising to walk together to breakfast tomorrow and show me where the classrooms are. They said something about "The boy's tour being useful for everything but the actual studying stuff." Gabrielle assured me that the nails were free of charge, but I snuck 50 bucks into her pink silk pillowcase. The nail fairy gave her a little visit, hee hee hee.


Lola had yet to come back to the dorm, I was freshly showered(though the communal showers were a bit gross), I had blow-dried my hair, and moisturized. Now I was sitting under my quilt and three fuzzy blankets while scrolling through my Instagram. I had honestly, completely forgotten about the app that had once taken over my entire life. I needed to change it, it didn't feel like me anymore. I had followed Gabrielle and Jimena before leaving their dorm and now I was staring at the unfamiliar feed. I hadn't posted since the day before I broke into the pool, so I had a few DMs. Brands wanting me to post them, Apple asking to go out and take pictures for Instagram, and fans asking when I was going to post again. I sighed.

I began by deleting all my photos with Apple or any other people that I pretended to be friends with for publicity. I deleted all the sponsored posts that I didn't have to legally keep up. I deleted pictures in specific locations that my manager had told me to post. I deleted pretty much everything except for the first few pictures that I had posted before I was verified or even had a manager and the brand posts that I legally had to keep up.

I felt relieved, as if a knot in my chest had been meticulously undone. I stared at my following, I'd deal with that later.

For now, I picked up my copy of Gone With the Wind and sipped my peppermint tea, satisfied. 

I love Miffy!!!! This chapter is not proofread! I loved writing Amelie, Gabrielle, and Jimena spending time together, I hope that you loved reading it! I know a lot of people cringe when a book/movie/show references social media, but this was impo...

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I love Miffy!!!! This chapter is not proofread! I loved writing Amelie, Gabrielle, and Jimena spending time together, I hope that you loved reading it! I know a lot of people cringe when a book/movie/show references social media, but this was important to her character and ig her development as well? Go eat soup because I love soup and take care! xoxo

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