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I yawned while leaning my head onto Hudson's shoulder. How is anyone expected to focus when winter break starts tomorrow? We did our finals last week which I spent numerous nights crying about, but celebration, whoo! 

We get three weeks off of school, we can leave when we want as long as we come back at least two days before school starts. I'm leaving in two days and spending two weeks with my dad before coming back. I'm not exactly ecstatic about going back. I know about the articles that have been posted about me. I mean, with titles like

"BRATTY STAR FINALLY GETS CONSEQUENCES FOR HER ACTIONS? The story of how Amelie Costas got sent away."

"NEPOTISM BRAT AMELIE COSTAS GETS SENT AWAY? A classic Wild Child story with Nepotism child Amelie Costas."

"WILD CHILD GONE TAME? How did bratty Amelie Costas finally calm down?"

"AMELIE COSTAS AT BOARDING SCHOOL? Her father, like the whole world, has finally had enough of her, and here's how he got rid of her!"

how could anyone miss them? I think I'll turn into a Hobbit when I go visit.

"Euro for your thoughts?" Hudson asks while glancing down at me.

I grin and roll my eyes, "The saying is, penny for your thoughts."

"I know, but you're worth more than a penny." He whispers into my ear while glancing up at the teacher.

I roll my eyes affectionately and try to ignore the blush that was slowly creeping up my face. "Just thinking about finally getting out of here," I whisper to avoid the teacher's glare.

He smiled at me with a look that can only be described as sickeningly sweet. Lord, what am I going to do about this man?

"Alright, your homework is to write me a three-page essay thoroughly explaining each of these theories, see you after the break." The professor dismisses before turning away and beginning to erase the chalkboard. 

I don't wait a single second, jumping up and shoving my notebook and textbook into my old yellow backpack.

"Come on!" I urge Hudson excitedly while bouncing on my toes and waiting for him to finish packing his stuff.

"Alright, let's go, Melly." He throws his backpack over his shoulder and laces his fingers through mine to walk out of the classroom. 

We walk out of the classroom "So, Hudson" I start, stretching out the O's because of my nervousness to propose the idea that I came up with a couple of days ago.

"Go on," He encourages with a nod of his head.

"Well, I've been thinking, you know how I'm going back to New York and you're staying here for the holidays? I don't want you to be alone for Christmas since Gabby is back in Wisconsin, Ashton is going back to California, Aryan is going to visit his grandparents in London, Jimena left to visit her aunt in Juarez, Heather is going on vacation to France, and Damon is going with her. So the other day I thought that maybe, you could go with me! You've been to New York plenty of times, so you'll have fun! Oh, and, you can meet my dad! And my dad can meet Patrick!" I finish my short ramble off with my best attempt at a charming smile.

Suddenly, I remembered that he used to go with Fernanda to her house for the Holidays. "Or if you don't feel comfortable, you don't have to go! I could come back a little early so that we could spend time together, and I could mail you your presents." I match my previous enthusiasm so that he doesn't feel forced to pick the first option.

Of course, he immediately spots my false enthusiasm, with an amused glint in his eye, he pulls his key out and starts to unlock the dorm door "You want me to go with you, don't you?" He asks teasingly while opening the door.

My cheeks flush and I step into the dorm to avoid his gaze. He follows after me and gently closes the door behind him, "C'mon sweet girl, no need to be embarrassed."

"Okay, maybe I really want you to come stay with me." I give in and he takes my bag to place it on his desk chair.

"Maybe?" He mirthfully asks.

"Okay, I want you to come with me, but if you don't feel up for it then you don't have to go! I just think it would be fun and all, plus so you're not lonely! I also really want to show Patrick my room, I think he'll quite like it." I rant from where I stand in the middle of the room while he walks around the room, picking up Ashton's stuff.

When I'm done talking, he sets down the laundry basket near the door and walks over to me with a loving sparkle in his eye. "Is that so, love?" He places his hand on my lower back and guides me to sit on the bed. 

"Mhm" I hum

"Well, if your father will have me, I'll be glad to stay with you over the winter holidays," He says while taking my yellow Converse off my feet and handing me my crocheting basket.

"Okay! I'll ask him, I'm sure he'll be happy to have you!" I excitedly start crocheting the details for the little stuffed kitten I'm working on. Hudson picks up the big bag of cotton stuffing that we bought last weekend when we started this project. He starts stuffing a little smiley face ice cream cone that I made yesterday. 

Hudson and I are making crocheted stuffed animals to donate before the holidays. The plan was to finish making them before I left, but now that he's coming with me I have more time! I'm so excited!

"So, I'm gonna go out one of these days with Lola, probably before we leave," I say into the calm atmosphere.

"To the city?" He asks while laying out the pattern and colors for the pink dolphin that I'm going to make next.

"Yeah, she says it's the best Christmas present I can give her, so we're gonna go to a bar I think, and a friend of hers' house party." I hand him the kitten and he stuffs it with cotton.

"Sounds fun," He says enthusiastically.

I hum and pick up the thick yarns to start crocheting the pink dolphin. 

Pete the Cat for a short chapter! This is a little filler chapter for the whirlwind that these next two chapters are going to be! Hudson's pov coming soon, I haven't written one in so long

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Pete the Cat for a short chapter! This is a little filler chapter for the whirlwind that these next two chapters are going to be! Hudson's pov coming soon, I haven't written one in so long.

Take care, xoxo

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