Love blinds me

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 "Yeah, I introduced him to the art form that is Twighlight today!" I announced proudly.

"No way, for real?" Jimena says in exasperation. I nod.

"Is he team Jacob or team Edward?" Gabby asks me.

"Edward, he never liked Jacob once!" I inform them and they all nod in agreement.

In front of us, the boys paused to wait. We snuck past the security guard at the gate of Montgomery and walked forever to find a bus stop. I realized that my Oxford Doc Martens were not the best choice at the moment.

"Ughh are we almost there?" I complained while walking up to them.

Hudson looked at me worriedly, "Why? Are you okay?" 

I laughed, "Yeah I just really want to try this pizza that you guys keep bragging about."

"Okay, yeah, we're nearly there." He assures me and I nod my head.

Eventually, they led me to this quaint little hole-in-the-wall parlor. No literally, There was a hole in a brick wall that we had to step into. The smell of freshly baked bread, olive oil, fresh mozzarella, and garlic hit me in the face as soon as I stepped in. The space was little. The dining area was as small as my dorm room. The mellow lighting made me feel at home, and we were led to the little booths with cracked vinyl seats. We had to split up because they could only seat four people each. Jimena, Hudson, Damon, and I took one booth. Gabrielle, Ashton, Aryan, and Heather sat at the other one. 

I died and now I'm in heaven, I swear.

"I bet you all 5 bucks I can fit four garlic knots in my mouth." Damon proposed.

"You won't! You won't!" Jimena dared.

"Watch me." Damon attempted to say, however, he already had two in his mouth so it came out more like "Mmph mph"

"That's so gross! And insane. I bet you can't fit a fifth one in!" I challenged him after he had fit all four in. I slid the basket to him across the booth table. And holy shit, he fit a fifth one in. Soon after, the waitress had come over. and Damon forced them all down his throat, hacking, and coughing. 

After he had recovered, Damon attempted to lean on the table smoothly, "So... I've never seen you around before, what brings you to this part of town?" 

I honestly don't blame him, I would flirt with her too if I knew how to flirt(also if my heart wasn't preoccupied with Hudson at the moment). She had short dark curls, tanned skin, and an athletic build. She also had a really big nose which is always the dollop of whipped cream on the milkshake for me. I glanced to my side where Hudson sat. Omg, he also has a big nose! I never noticed that. Maybe I had.

"I'm from Seattle, but I'm visiting my grandparents to help them out with their restaurant since my nonna got sick." She replied. I wondered how she could stay so tan while living in Seattle. 

"Oh no, Sylvie is sick?" Jimena exclaimed in worry.

"Yeah, lung cancer." The waitress shrugged, "She's been smoking since she was 10 years old, says she doesn't have a single regret. I mean, we've known for a while but she insisted on working here until she was bedridden. We were never going to deny her of that." The dark-haired girl shrugs in acceptance.

"Yeah, that's good and happy." Damon comforts the melancholy feeling that comes with the realization that Sylvie is sick. I didn't know Sylvie and I still felt the disappointment that weighed down on those around me.

We ordered a giant margarita pizza and it arrived on a steaming tray. The thin crust was perfectly crunchy and the flavors all balanced each other out perfectly. It was perfect. The server whose name turned out to be Livia snuck us wine. She sat with us telling stories about Sylvie until I felt like I too, personally knew her. 

Hudson paid for everything and I tipped heavily before we all hugged Livia and promised to come and visit Sylvie soon. 

When we stepped out, it was nighttime, the only time I ever liked the city. Cold air bit at my cheeks and my nose turned red. We all walked in melancholy silence, in no rush to go back to our normal lives.

Hudson and I eventually fell back. 

"They're so in love." I started a conversation by mentioning Gabby and Ashton. They were at the front of the group. Ashton's arm was wrapped around Gabby's shoulder and her head was leaning on his shoulder. They were the same height with Gabby wearing her pink platform sandals. 

"Love is so interesting don't you think Hudson?" I noticed we were both falling behind but neither of us made a move to speed up. 

He took his leather blazer off and placed it on my shoulders, thank god my cheeks were already flushed from the wine. "It's such a powerful concept." He said

"Right? And it's so easy to lie about it, feel it, fall out of it. It has such control over humans. It can be destructive yet beautiful. It's terrifying. It's blinding. Love will always be here longer than any of us. It's infinite and there is not one place where love doesn't triumph. It's everywhere and anywhere. Isn't that crazy?" 

I felt his gaze on my face and I turned to him. "You're special, Amelie." I held his gaze for a moment, neither of us daring to turn away.

"Holy shit Amelie, watch out!" huh? I turn just in time to smash my forehead on the telephone pole in front of us. Shart.

Bella, where the hell have you been loca?  

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Bella, where the hell have you been loca?  

Cuidense, xoxo!

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