I very unfortunately arrive

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"Whadya think Scarlett?" I said, stroking her jet-black fur while glancing out the window.

"I mean it's no Hogwarts but it'll do I suppose" I continued in an attempt to act unimpressed at the castle for the sake of my dear Scarlett. This was our home for the next ten-ish months, and Scarlett wasn't liking it so far.  I glanced down at her asleep figure on my lap. Okay, fine, I'm not liking it so far. I wanted my cozy home in New York, not this fancy-schmancy castle. Father, however, says I shan't be ungrateful and that a lot of students would kill to get into Montgomery.

My dad is rich, and inherently, so am I. He's like a super famous movie director and my mom was a super famous model. Everyone went crazy back in the '90s when Alejandro Di Salvo and Angeline Costas got together. So like, not to brag or anything, but I have nepotism coursing through my veins, and the tabloids were totally waiting to pounce on the next "Nepotism baby gone out of control!!".

 When my mom died, I guess I didn't take it too lightly. I mean, she was an amazing mother who had grown up with a como se dice.... very restrictive mother. She had decided the minute I was born that no way in hell was her daughter going to grow up the way she did. My parents kept me out of the press's view successfully enough for about 16 years. 

My mom passed, right in the middle of my junior year of high school and I went batshit crazy. I would go out and party every night, I started smoking whatever anyone gave to me, I was always either drunk or hungover, and I stopped eating because of what the tabloids were announcing about my body. All that was missing was the sex tape. Which I guess my dad is deciding to prevent by sending me to boarding school. He put me on an eating disorder recovery plan two months ago, but I continued with the shenanigans-

"We have arrived." The driver announces. Sheez, way to interrupt my internal monologue, but alas, he is right. I climbed out of the car slightly tripping when I noticed the most beautiful girl I have ever seen in my whole life standing right there, at the door, her pearly white teeth smiling directly at me. 

"Hi! I'm Thalia Rodriguez, I will be your tour guide and mentor through your time here at Montgomery!" 

"So! If you follow me I will give you a little tour and show you to your dorm, feel free to ask any questions along the way!" She turned, her white blouse flowing around her. I nod, and she's already turned and started walking. I scramble, tripping over my legs to keep up. I regret my attire infinitely, I figure my Weezer t-shirt is not the most impressive choice. She turns again and I halt to a stop, cringing internally at the feeling of my t-shirt swishing at my knees. I could've at least picked a less baggy one.

"So, this is your classic trophy case, you know, full of trophies that every school in the world has to show off" She winks. 

"Oh! By the way, the Head Master wishes she were here to welcome you, but she has some personal issues to deal with, so she'll greet you later today or maybe tomorrow." I truly couldn't care less.

"Alright, yeah, sounds cool, cool cool cool." Oh my god somebody shut me up. After about 30 more stops on this "short" tour and two hours straight of me embarrassing myself, she leads me to the girl's dorms, through the commons, and to my room.

"Your roommate is...." she glances down at the file, raising a brow once she reads the name,

"Your roommate is Lola Berry, She won't get here until the weekend!" She hands me a room key before pointing across the commons to a door with a tapestry hanging on it.

"That over there is my dorm just make sure to knock if you ever need anything at all, Oh! And curfew is 10:30 pm sharp. Don't get caught out a second after, and don't ever, ever, especially after curfew, get caught in a boy's dorm with the door closed." She smiles before hugging me and walking away. 

I hate it here.

Hey guys, what do we think so far? The chapters are a little short, but we're getting there! Take care of yourself! xoxo

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Hey guys, what do we think so far? The chapters are a little short, but we're getting there! Take care of yourself! xoxo

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