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TW: This chapter includes mentions of SA.

"Do I look weird? Is it weird that Hudson and I are going in couple costumes despite not being a couple? Does my butt look flat?" I ask all at the same time.

"Hmmm, No, you guys are practically a couple, your butt is cute," Jimena answers me. 

"Thank you my lovely! Who are you going as?" She had temporarily died her purple highlights black to match the rest of her hair, and she was wearing a grey tank top and ripped skinny jeans, a rather odd sight. 

"It's a surprise I think you'll like." She pulled her red Doc Martens on and stood up, proudly showing off her outfit.

I shook my head in an "I don't understand" motion. She rolled her eyes and pulled an axe-shaped guitar out from under her bed. 

"Holy shit! You're Marceline." She nods proudly at my realization. 

"What are you and Hudson going as?" Gabby asked while walking in

"Omg Gabby, tell Ashton to watch out because you look amazing, sexy, hot, jaw dropping-ly stunning." Gabby was wearing an orange mini skirt, a halter top, and matching gogo boots that Heather let her borrow. She giggles and asks me to help her finish tying an aqua-blue headband around her fluffy blonde pigtails. If you can't already tell, she's Stella from Winx Club, Ashton is going as Brandon, fucking adorable.

"I feel like my costume isn't slutty enough." I express with concern.

"You look so good though, Hudson is going to foam at the mouth," Jimena reassures me.

"Ugh, I don't even know what he and I are. I mean, I know he likes me. I know I like him. We know we like each other, but I don't know." I acknowledge my confusion toward me and Hudson.

"I mean, you and Hudson clearly like each other but maybe you need to talk with him, y'know?" Jimena suggests with a shrug.

"Yeah, Hudson would probably like a talk as well. I mean, I know he likes things to be clear. Maybe he thinks you're not ready to talk." Gabby adds on.

I think about this possibility, Gabby and Jimena have known him for much longer than I...

"Are you guys ready to go? Heather and Damon are meeting us there." Jimena asks.

"HI BITCHES!" Lola bursts into the room. Ohmygod. She was wearing a pink slip dress, pink platform boots, and a yellow crown. She's princess bubblegum.

Lola posed with Jimena. I grinned excitedly. Honestly, I'm a bit confused because of Jimena's previous rude comments toward Lola, but ok. She'll have to dish later.

Jimena runs out of the room, I grin and follow after her.

"Hudson! Hudson! Ashton! Let us in now!" We bang our fists on their door until Aryan finally opens their door.

"Aryan? You don't live here? Omg! Love your costume though." I say

"Thanks!" He's dressed as Percy Jackson. 

"Where are Hudson and Ashton?" Gabby asks.

"Ohh, yeah they're having some costume troubles." Aryan glances back into the room.

"Well, Tell those bitches to hurry up because we are ready!" Jimena yells into the room over Aryan's shoulder. 

"Wait! We're almost ready!" Ashton yells out.

"Yeah, all right ladies," Lola mutters under her breath and Jimena laughs out loud. Hmmm, suspicious. 

When Ashton finally walked out in his Brandon costume, everyone clapped sarcastically. When Gabby and Ashton posed together, everyone clapped for real.

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