Amelie is a baby giraffe

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Hudson's pov

Aryan was jumping off the walls, he had come over 5 minutes ago, ready to leave. Ashton, however, was now on the 20th minute of fixing his hair and worrying about Gabby.

"Okay, would Gabby like it better like this?" He moved a strand of hair toward the middle, "Or like this?" He moved the strand toward the left. I rolled my eyes

"Come on, you look great either way Ashton. I'm sure Gabrielle will like it." I shrugged my leather bomber over my white t-shirt. 

"Let's go!" Aryan called from where he was standing next to the door.

Damon was already at the party with some girl that he had taken a recent liking to.

"Okay, okay." Ashton buttoned up his corduroy shirt.

"No, leave it unbuttoned," Aryan called out. 

Ashton rolled his eyes but did so.

I knew that Jimena insisted on showing up fashionably late to every party. I also knew that Amelie would arrive with her. I was also anxious to see Amelie in the dress she had chosen with my "help".


"WHO ARE YOU LOOKING FOR MATE?" Aryan shouted over the music. I was looking for Amelie.

"No one, I'm going to go get a drink," I said.

"Alright!" Aryan grinned and walked away with Ashton to help him look for Gabriele.

I headed to the table that was flooded with an array of bottles and red solo cups. I spotted a flash of purple-streaked hair out of the corner of my eye. I turned quickly enough to notice Jimena laughing with a tall, blonde girl. 

I walked over, forgetting about my original intentions of getting a drink.

"Hey, Jimena!" I greeted. She turned with a look in her eyes that said not now.

"Right, sorry. I was just wondering where Amelie was?"

 The blonde girl turned to me and giggled in a flirtatious tone, "Who's Amelie?" She leaned toward me to brush her fingers on my arm. I turned away before she could.

"I think I saw her dancing with Lola," Jimena told me. She glanced at the girl who had stepped away from Jimena and was now leaning toward me.

"I'll go help you look for her." She offered and we both turned away from the girl.

"I'm sorry." I apologized 

She sighed, "Yeah, I know."

When we found Amelie, she was so incredibly out of it. Don't get me wrong, she looked amazing, but the amount that she had managed to drink already was concerning. She said that Lola gave her a couple of drinks and I rolled my eyes. Lola was most definitely not the best drinking buddy. What annoyed me the most was the fact that Lola had left her in the middle of the dance floor, alone after getting her so intoxicated.

"Here," I said, placing her arm over my shoulder to try and support her weight. 

Jimena walked in front of us, making way.

When we got to the door, I told Jimena to stay and enjoy the party. Jimena loved a good party. She sighed, clearly conflicted. "I trust you, Hudson, I do."

I nodded and she hugged Amelie and kissed her forehead before walking back into the sea of people.

"Where are we goooing?" Amelie slurred her words. 

"I'm taking you to your dorm," I answered her.

"Noooooo" She whined and flopped back.

"I'm still good to party! Whoop Whoop!" She paused and started pumping her fist in the air.

"No Amelie, not tonight. Alright?" I promised myself that next time I would make sure she didn't go with Lola so that she could enjoy the party.

"Boooo!" She called out and held a thumbs down in front of my face. 

"Okay Amelie," I laughed and offered my hand again.

"No." She declined, "I know how to walk y'know." She started running forward. Kind of like a baby giraffe that's just learning to walk. I jogged toward her, ready to catch her in case she fell.

And she does end up falling. I catch her and she smiles, "Well would ya look at that, I'm falling for you!" She starts laughing at her joke. I laugh and shake my head at her antics.

I pick her up when she pretends to faint for the third time, deciding maybe I should carry her to be more time-efficient. 

"I'm sorry I'm so heavy-" She calls from below me, with her eyes closed. What the fuck?

"You're not." She seriously isn't.

"Okay, whatever you say." She sings. 

"You're not heavy Amelie." It's the dumbest thing anyone's ever suggested.

 It can't be that dumb if it's troubling her.

I have to figure out how to make sure that she knows she's not. Probably when she's sober though.

"I don't want to go to my room Lola won't let me sleeeep." She cried out. Where else am I supposed to take her though? I go to Jimena and Gabrielle's dorm, but it's locked. 


I ended up bringing her to my dorm. "You need to turn around Amelie." I do my best to turn her on her side without waking her up too much. I turn and grab the trashcan, placing it on the floor next to the bed.

"Hudson." She whispers out.

"Yeah, what's wrong? Are you cold?" I stand up to go grab another blanket.

"No." She whispers again.

"I like you, Hudson. You're nice and smart and pretty too Hudson. And I-" A part of me wants to hear what else she has to say. A part of me wants to tell her how she's all those things and more, but I don't want her saying anything to me she wouldn't want me to know when she's sober. And when I finally tell her, I want her to be sober.

"That's great Amelie. You're amazing as well, but I need you to sleep now, okay?" A hum comes as her response.

After making sure she has a bottle of water and an Advil waiting for her when she wakes up, I lay my sleeping bag on the floor. Soft snores come from where she's lying,

She's so damn cute.

This isn't proofread so I'm sorry if there are any mistakes lolll

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This isn't proofread so I'm sorry if there are any mistakes lolll. Hydrate and take care xoxo

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