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"whoooo!" I cheer excitedly, Hudson just scored a goal!

I mean, one out of many. We are crushing this loser punk-ass school. 

Hudson celebrates with his teammates and then turns to examine the crowd, I wonder who he's looking for. His eyes land on me and I expect him to continue skimming the crowd. 

He doesn't? 

Oh my goodness gracious gosh.

He just winked at me.

 Lord, what am I going to do about these feelings? 

"Girl, he just winked at you. Hudson just winked at you." Jimena nudged my shoulder from where she stood beside me. She wasn't being very school spirit-y today.

She said it was "too fucking cold for that bullshit." But she still complimented my outfit so I forgave her.

I realize that just about everyone sitting in the crowd turned to stare at me why? It's not like Hudson and I are even dating. It was a friendly wink. I wave awkwardly at everyone and they turn back to the game. phew. I usually like attention, but that was suffocating.

Gabrielle was giggling because Ashton kept blowing her kisses, it was the cutest thing ever. 

I'm so excited, if we win this we are most definitely partying.


"We won we won we won!" I yelled into the air, I was on Aryan's shoulders, pumping my fists into the air. 

"Whoop whoop!" I lean forward when I see Hudson. I fall off Aryan's shoulders and into Hudson's arms. I'm so grateful I chose to wear my red corduroy flare pants instead of that mini skirt.

"And now I'm faaaalin for ya, faaaalin for ya! I LOVE TEEN BEACH MUSICAL!" I yell in Hudson's arms.

"GIVE IT UP FOR THE MAN OF THE NIGHT- NO FUCK THAT, GIVE IT UP FOR THE MAN OF THE SEASON, HUDSON LAVINGE!" A very drunk Damon announces and throws his arm around Hudson.

"Oh, hey Mel, I didn't see you there." Damon winks at me and I giggle, blushing slightly.

"Back off man," Hudson exclaims

"Alright, alright chill mate." Damon holds his hand up like he was just caught and spills his beer in the process. 

"Shart Damon, you got it all over my shoes." I stare down at my black platform Mary Janes sadly, already feeling the sticky beer soak into them.

"Watch it, Damon." 

"I'M SORRY, I'M GONNA GO FIND SOME WEED," Damon says once again, clearly not realizing he was yelling. 

I roll my eyes, "I'm gonna go find some napkins, I'll be right back!" I say to Hudson, beginning to walk away.

"Hey, I'll go with you. I need a new drink anyway." I roll my eyes and bite back a smile, ever since the last party Hudson won't leave me alone. He thinks I can't control myself or something. I mean, I'm not complaining because hello? Extra Hudson time. 

I eventually, and miraculously, find a stack of napkins and a couch in a hidden corner. I plop myself down and motion for Hudson to follow. He does and I demand him to look away.

"Why do you want me to look away?" Hudson asks.

"Shhh, just do it. I don't want you seeing my toes." 

"Huh? Why not?" He asks, now facing the wall.

"Why do you want to see them you creep?" I wedge the napkins in between my toes and inside the shoes to soak up all the beer.

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