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After changing out of my school uniform and into a pair of black sweatpants and a tank top, I started walking to the dining hall. Dinner began at 7:00, and I was already a little late. I wonder if I can find someone to sit next to hey, it smells awfully good! I wonder what that is? Maybe it's one of those-

"Hey there, Ames! You headed to dinner?" I heard Hudson's voice murmur into my ear. Wait, Hudson? I turned suddenly, and since his face was previously leaning into my ear, he was at my eye level. Whoa, whoa, whoa! What? I took a couple of steps back before deciding to answer him.

"Yes, I am," I answered curtly. I watched as he raised his thick brows at my response.

"I am too. let's walk together?" I ignored his question and continued walking toward the dining hall, leaving him behind.

He stood for a minute. I could feel his eyes on my back. I quietly willed for him to walk away, but instead, he jogged after me and continued, "I'll take that as a yes." I glared at him, but he either ignored it or didn't see.

"So, how was your first day of classes?" He asked in an attempt to start a conversation.

"It was fine." I could feel his eyes on the side of my face, "Yours?" I returned the question in an attempt to stay neutral.

"It was alright as well," I remembered how he had completely ignored everyone during the one class we had together. Was he like that all the time? I sighed. There was nothing I could figure out about him since I first heard him speak. We walked in silence while I thought this over. Not awkward, a comfortable silence. 

After about ten minutes, we were in front of the giant oak double doors. I stared at them, knowing I had to go through the silent door around the hall to get my meal. 

"You go ahead, I need to go get my food elsewhere." I didn't wait for his answer, or to see his expression. 

I went through the door and signed the paper on the cupboard while Sylvia, one of the lunch ladies, handed me my plate. Today I had a grilled cheese and tomato soup. I walked through one of the doors that led to the dining hall which made it look as though I were only grabbing napkins.

I scanned the dining hall for an empty table to sit at and came up empty. Oh god.  

"Hey, It's Mel!" I turned at the familiar voice and nickname Ashton was waving me toward a table that he, Aryan, Damon, and two other unfamiliar girls were sitting at. I sighed in relief and began walking over. Just then, Hudson sat with them. Oh right, Hudson is their friend. I mentally prepared myself while continuing. 

I awkwardly approached their table. There was one empty chair left. 

"Hi Aryan! Hi Ashton! Hi Damon! Hi Hudson!" Ew, what the fuck is wrong with me? I suddenly noticed the two girls that were sitting as well. "Hi! I'm Amelie, It's nice to meet you all! I love your hair!" I said to the brown-skinned girl with purple streaks in her hair. She smiled at me, 

"Thank you! I'm Jimena, It's nice to meet you too, and this is Gabrielle." I watched as she nudged the blonde girl with her shoulder. Honestly, Gabrielle seemed a bit more on the shy side and I had nothing wrong with that. Shy people always have the most interesting things to say.

The girl looked up at me and greeted me, "Nice to meet you too!" I grinned and sat down in the chair in between Jimena and Hudson. I smiled at Gabrielle's nails, they were painted with colorful smiley faces. 

"Did you do your nails yourself, Gabrielle? They're so cute!" Her round cheeks turned rosy while she smiled. 

"Yeah, I did. I also did Jimena's" Jimena showed me her nails which were black with silver stars that almost looked like stardust. 

"You're so talented! Do you think that you could do mine? How much do you charge? I usually like my nails short unless I'm going out. Oh yeah! I've been meaning to ask, are there any clubs nearby or do you guys have parties like, ever? Oh! And do you think that you could paint little cats on my nails? I have a cat her name is Scarlett. She's my baby, I bought her from the shelter right before Halloween which is my favorite holiday ever, do you guys still dress up? Because I love to." I paused to take a bite of my sandwich. 

"Thank you, I definitely can paint little cats on your nails!" I hummed happily at her response.

"All the clubs are in the city which we're allowed to go to during weekends if we have good grades, but the shuttle leaves at 8 am and the latest one leaves at 5 pm. They don't let it get late enough for us to go clubbing." Ashton informed me. I noticed that his short nails were also painted with little ocean waves.

"Did Gabrielle do your nails too!?" He nodded proudly and she blushed even more. Oh my god, they are so in love.

Jimena leaned closer to my side while stabbing at her pasta, "I love to dress up but these dodos never want to." she gave pointed glares to everyone at the table except me and Gabrielle. 

I turned to them in disbelief, "You guys never dress up! Oh my god, you are such boring butts." 

"We are not!" Damon exclaimed. "We just happen to not like looking like fools." he finished.

"Oh yeah!" Aryan gestured toward Huson who was sitting next to me. "This is Hudson." I opened my mouth to let them know that we had already met but he cut me off.

"It's nice to meet you, Amelie." I turned to him, clearly confused. He just winked at me. I stared him in the eye, a question what are you doing? Across my face. He could read it clearly, and he mouthed to me: "Pretend" Alright then, I guess we're pretending.

"It's nice to meet you too, Hudson," I said, nodding my head curtly at him before turning away to Jimena to ask her,

"What about parties, do you guys ever have any?" She grinned.

"The first years like to have a lot of parties. If there's a rumor about a party, don't go. It'll be full of hormonal 15-year-olds. They get shut down quickly too since they're always tryna get the word spread. You just have to know the right people to go to the right parties." She shrugged at the end.

"Luckily, we're the right people." Damon winked at me from across the table. I sent an exaggerated wink back at him.

"Oh!" Ahston said suddenly, "You finally broke up with Fernanda?" I turned to him quickly, he did? 

He didn't look at me. Instead, he grinned at Ashton. "Yeah, I've had enough of her. For good this time" 

Ashton grinned back at him and held his hand out. They did this weird handshake thingy "I'm proud of you man." Proud of him for breaking up with Fernanda? I hoped that she was alright.

 As if reading my mind, Jimena leaned into my ear and whispered, "I'll tell you later, her heart is most definitely not broken." I turned and noticed that everyone had proud smiles on their faces. Well, alright then. 

Am I introducing too many characters? I think I'm almost done introducing them just like one or two more! What do we think of Hudson? I was trying to make him a little more grumpy but in my heart, I truly want to make him a James Potter variant

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Am I introducing too many characters? I think I'm almost done introducing them just like one or two more! What do we think of Hudson? I was trying to make him a little more grumpy but in my heart, I truly want to make him a James Potter variant. Maybe I'll write another story with actual grumpy x sunshine and just give in to these urges. What do we think? Also! Should Fernanda have a redemption arc, or do we just want her to be a bitch? Stay hydrated! xoxo

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