Omg, Hudson?

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This is in Hudson's pov.

My god is she beautiful. 

"What do you like to order at Denny's?" Amelie whispered out of the corner of her mouth. I blushed, I fucking blushed.

I looked up at the teacher, making sure that she wasn't looking at us before answering. "The pancakes with the blueberries in them and the banana on top, and  a black coffee." She nodded and wrote it down in her notebook with one of those cute glittery gel pens that she likes to write her notes in.

"Yours?" I continued the conversation.

"Hmmm" She hummed with a thoughtful expression on her face, "The jr. chocolate chip pancakes." I made a mental note of her answer so that I could take her one day.

She quickly turned around after noticing that the teacher was now turned to face us. I shifted my body so that I was slightly facing her and the front of the class at the same time. The last time that the teacher called us out for talking in her lecture, Amelie had blushed a bright pink. It was adorable, but I also don't want her to get in trouble.

I watched as she scrawled what the teacher was writing in her chicken scratch writing. I love the way she looks when she's focused, The tip of her tongue peeks out in the slightest and she furrows her brows in concentration. The tip of her nose is red, probably from how frozen this classroom is.

I reach into my backpack and dig around for the hat that I had previously shoved in case I got cold, she needs it more than me. I hate to cover her blonde curls, but I think that this is more important for the moment. 

She turns in surprise at the feeling of the hat being placed over her ears, I wink at her and she turns back to try and hide her blush. God, I love making her blush.


"Hey Aryan? and Damon too I suppose" I hear Amelie ask from across the table. 

"Yeah?" Aryan answers her.

"Is it true that British people call vaginas fannies? Or is that the butt? Or is it something completely different? The anatomy of a British person is rather confusing to me. British people in general confuse me, ya know?" Aryan snorts at her question, and Damon starts full-on cackling.

"No! I'm fully serious, I truly do want to know! I'm trying to learn more about your culture I promise! I just can't get behind beans on toast, sorry."

"S'alright love. I don't like beans on toast either." Aryan shrugs after laughing.

Damon is still laughing, "No! I'm serious, answer my question." She demands. When no one tells her what a fanny is, she throws a wadded-up napkin at Damon's face.

"What about Aryan!?" He shouts in protest at the napkin that was thrown at his face. 

"Well, he's not laughing is he?" Amelie sticks her tongue out at Damon, he wadds up his napkin and throws it at her in retaliation. I'm not sure how or why it happens, but I manage to catch it before it gets to her.

"Whoa, mate! What the fuck was that!"  I shrug and drop it on the table before going back to the chicken that was placed in front of me. 

I feel someone watching me and I look up. Amelie has her eyes set on me. Not in that way, I mean, I hardly know if she likes me. But, she's watching me. 

Thank you. She mouths out. Her lips are so beautiful. They look so soft too. I wink at her, I expect her to blush like usual. Instead, she winks back at me. And now I'm the one blushing like a fucking idiot.

 Holy fuck.

 Holy fuck

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Is this... a chapter in Hudson's pov? Yes, it fucking is! I want to write a party chapter because our party girl needs a party or else she'll flatline or something idfk. 

Also, this chapter is short, but please remember that I have commenced the thing that is school. 

Take care and stay hydrated! xoxo

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