Lovely Hudson

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I grin excitedly at the new pair of mittens that Hudson bought me, they're a stripey pattern with hues of pink and orange all over. 

"Do you like?" Hudson is holding my hands in his own glove-covered hands, turning them all over to make sure they cover my hands properly. He bites his lip when he's focused. Oooou his lips are just so pink and perfect I could just kiss them, and I will! But I have to be sneaky about it, like a stealthy spy.

"I don't like, I looove" I drag out the O while he looks up, his head slightly tilted, his soft brown hair sticking up a little bit from the back because of the hat he took off. 

"Do you really?" I can't take it, his voice is too much. 

Now is the time to steal that kiss. I move quickly and peck his lips.

"Aww c'mon Amelie, is that all I get?" ugh what a little princess. My little princess.

"Maybe so my little princess! Let's go eat, I'm staaarving" 

"Of course, let's go to the diner near your house, it looked good." 

"Okey dokey artichokey!" I booped his nose and pulled him along. Oh how I love him. Yeah that's right, I love him and I need to tell him soon, if I don't, I'll just explode with love.

"Hey, isn't that Amelie Costas?" I hear a scruffy voice ask, nowhere near as nice as that one girl from the food drive.

I glance back but Hudson ignores it and picks up his pace. "So, have you ever been to the diner? I think it was called Sally's or Salty's? Something like that."

I try and recall the last time I went "Yeah I think I went with my mom a few times, my dad never liked the food, he said it was too salty. I think that the cook at the time was in love with my mom or something which was a little bit silly if you think about it, he never even talked with my mom. But my mom always used to get the same thing, a vegetarian omelet with a side of bacon. She said that bacon in omelets was pointless because it became soggy, I'm not too sure about that."

"Hmm, I don't like bacon." Hudson shrugs

"Amelie!" This time, I turn around. 

A clean-shaven man around 35 is standing there, around 5'10, and with an awkward build. No wonder I recognized his voice, he's that guy who does those weird paparazzi street interviews.

I think he interviewed me one time, but at night, when I was drunk. I used to revel in the spotlight, the attention. That is all I wanted in the first place anyway. 

I try to turn around but the man already has his camera recording, he's on a mission. 

"I knew it was you! Hey, we haven't seen you around these parts lately, what have you been up to?" 

I sigh and plaster on a big smile before turning around, "Oh, nothing much, but I'm in a bit of a rush if you don't mind!" If I act negatively toward him, it gets posted online. Bratty celebrities go viral, my dad sees it and goes all crazy Mr. "I told you to lay low and not draw attention to yourself", and then probably sends me to a military academy or something.

"Oh, this won't be long!" I silently curse whoever decided to not keep this stupid trend in L.A.

"I really wish I could, but we're late!" I try and act as sorry as I can.

"Oh! Who is this?" He directs his attention and camera toward Hudson, just exactly what I was trying to avoid.

"I'm Hudson" He holds out his hand. I can tell Hudson is trying to stay civil, I can also tell that he has yet to deal with a situation like this.

The man quickly shakes his hand and Hudson not so subtly wipes his palm on his sweater.

"And is this a boyfriend or a friends-with-benefits situation?" 

"Hey, it was nice meeting you man, but we're leaving now." We turn around and start walking, but the man trails after us like a pesky little fly.

"Ahh so a friends-with-benefits situation, got it. Hey, there's nothing to be ashamed of! Amelie has had plenty of those situations in the past! Am I right Amelie?" 

I mentally roll my eyes and hope that Hudson doesn't take the bait. I could already see the edited video to make Him look like the villain. 

He squeezes my hand quickly and turns around again, "Hey man, we'd really appreciate it if you could just back off a little, y'know? Give us some personal space?" 

"And he's my boyfriend!" I say excitedly, I couldn't help it.

"What is that? Number 15? Hey, good luck man you've got some pretty big shoes to fill" He tries to shake Hudson's hand but Hudson only glances down at his hand and back up.

"I'm pretty confident in who I am, and I'm not too concerned with Amelie's past because I like her, I like her a lot, tricky past or not."

The pesky, greasy, slimy, hairball human looks down at his camera, shrugs, and walks back to his car.

"God, how did you ever deal with that?" Hudson groans.

"It wasn't constant, I feel like you're overestimating my famousness, Lavigne" 

"You're the most famous and important person to me" He says with a peck to my forehead and I blush, I really do. Because I'm a lovesick fool, and I love him, I really truly do.

 Because I'm a lovesick fool, and I love him, I really truly do

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Hello bitch I'm back on my grind. 

Sorry for taking so long:0

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