Feeling joyeous

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"Come on Hudson!" I excitedly urged him to hurry up so that we could leave.

"Sorry love, m almost done," He said while zipping up his suitcase. I grinned, Hudson was a total neat freak with this whole packing thing. He insisted on helping me pack mine so that I don't forget anything, and I ended up lying on my bed and choosing between options that he held out. He had a lot of fun picking out my underwear.

I giggle at the memory of his shocked face when he held up my entire collection. "What's so funny Melly?" He asks with a teasing grin on his face while he zips up his suitcase.

"mmm nothing," I try and dismiss

"Oh yeah?"


"I don't believe you."

"shhh trust me honeybuns"

"Honeybuns?" He pauses after picking his suitcase up so that it's upwards.

"Yeah!" I say excitedly before running over to him and landing a nice smack right on his rear end.

He freezes and turns around. "Okay bye!" I yell before grabbing my backpack and running out of his room toward mine to pick up my suitcase.

I could hear him running after me and I start to sprint faster. The hallways are nearly empty because everyone's gone on their holidays. It's been extra fun today and yesterday, Hudson and I practically have the whole school to ourselves. I know that Lola is here somewhere, but she's been avoiding me ever since that night that we went out together. I'm not sure we'll be able to rekindle what we had before.

I glance behind me and gasp when I realize that he's closer than I thought. I would've expected the luggage he was carrying to slow him down. I turn back to try and speed up, but I hear a thump right behind me, and suddenly, his warm hands are on my waist and throwing me over his shoulder.

"Hudson!" I exclaim. "Put me down this instant!"

"Or else..?" smug motherfucker.

"Or else this." I reach forward and land another smack on his butt.

I didn't think that through because my butt is also right in his reach, and he's very aware of this because he gets back at me by slapping it. "Hudson! That is not school apropro!"

"Oh no, that is just horrible." He deadpans before picking up the suitcase that he dropped to pick me up.

"You're going to break your back!"

"You hurt my feelings, how old and weak do you think I am?"

"Super duper old and weak, you are eighteen. You're perverted for being with someone younger than you. I mean, half a year is ridiculously, insanely, disgustingly perverted you creep." I tease

"Guess I'll have to dump your irresistible ass." I muse while still staring at said ass.

"Don't you dare."

"Ok! I won't!"

I really, really like him.


"Okay, so my dad has like weird sleeping schedule. Like, if you wake up at 1 am and he's building a shelf or writing a rap, don't question it. If it's like 3 pm and he's sound asleep, don't question it. Sometimes he makes noise, so we can buy you those little sound-blocking ear bud things. I mean, I don't use them because I've grown accustomed to his ways." I finished, letting him know everything I felt was necessary for his visit.

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