I cooka da pasta is mean

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I stared unsurely at myself in the floor-length mirror that Lola had brought from home, we're required to wear uniforms, and they're not exactly the most flattering clothes on earth. I glanced at Lola, she wasn't even out of bed yet. I walked over and pulled on her legs, "Lolaaaa, get out of bed, we're going to be late. Class starts in 10 minutes and this goddam school is like a maze."

"leavmloneeee" Came her muffled answer from under her butterfly-patterned comforter. I rolled my eyes.

"Fine then, goodbye Lola." I bent down to pet Scarlett, "And goodbye Scarlett" I finished while shrugging my yellow backpack on.


Oh god, I'm late, I'm so so so so so so late. They had given me a map of the school. Of course, I also had two tours, but somehow, they had both failed to mention where room 32B was. 

"OH MY GOD, I literally saw you looking at Lena. Stop trying to lie to me." I heard a sharp voice with a beautiful Italian accent claim from behind a pillar. I paused.

"I wasn't Fernanda! I swear I wasn't. I'm so done with your accusations!" I heard a deeper, really confusing voice whisper urgently. I couldn't tell what type of accent he had, and I usually prided myself on being able to distinguish people's accents. His voice was hot though.

"Hudson, If you don't stop looking at other girls, we'll have to break up, that is my final point." I froze once again. Fernanda? Hudson? Oh, So these were the people that they were talking about yesterday. I remembered Damon telling me to pray to never meet Fernanda so I decided right then and there that I was going to step away, mind my business, and continue my attempt to find my class. 

With my stupid luck, this clearly didn't happen. Instead what happened was that I took a step forward and somehow, my legs got tangled and I was crashing into the floor. Shit shit shit shit shit. 

"Did you hear that?" I heard the female voice ask. All of a sudden a very tall, beautiful, and tanned girl was rounding the corner while I was flat on my ass.

"Oh my god, were you spying on us?" I gasped at her accusation while staring up at her, how did she get her hair to be that soft?

"No, no. I promise I wasn't. See, I'm kind of new here, like really new and I kind of couldn't find my class, and I'm really, really, really sorry. I promise I hardly heard anything. In fact, I didn't hear anything in the slightest. Also, how do you get your hair to be that soft? And is it naturally that color? The black I mean, it really suits you. I think that if I died my hair that color it wouldn't suit me you know?" I stared up expectantly for her answer only to realize that she was staring at her phone the whole time. shit. My cheeks flushed red. Also at the fact that Hudson was staring at me while I rambled. He is like super duper hot. Like the finest man alive good looking.

"Oh. my. god. Do you ever shut up? And yes, it's natural and wouldn't suit you" Oh my god I'm a tomato my face is hotter than the Sahara desert and all I want to do right now at this very moment is just go bungee jumping without the bungee cords. yet somehow, I can't shut up.

"Oh, I kind of have this problem where I just like to talk a lot, especially when I'm nervous. I've had it since forever and I kind of have trouble stopping it. when I was little, I had this one friend who was annoyed with my talking so she decided one time that she was going to tie me to the tether ball pole so that I would stop following her, I think she wanted to play hide and seek but I just didn't get the clue or that's what I tell myself at least, so anyways, she tied me to the tether ball pole and then I was standing there for all of recess, I think her dad was a sailor because she was good at tying knots and she knew a lot of bad words I mean the vocabulary on this girl was pretty crazy, she used to call me a really bad word, it starts with an f because I said I wouldn't mind kissing girls and boys and she said that I was gonna go to h-e- double hockey sticks. She moved away to Tennessee when we were in middle school though so really who's the loser then? because I've heard that in Tennesee-" and then I heard a laugh. She was laughing at me. This girl was pissing me off. I tried to stand up and give her a piece of my mind but by the time that I was standing, her high heels were already clicking away to give the black-haired boy standing in the corner an entire make-out session. 

"Whatever, I will be going to my class now." oh my god her accent is amazing, and she left a cloud of designer perfume behind her. I wanted to tell her about how my friend in New York has the same heels that she's wearing and how she wore them to the Golden Globes. I sighed at the missed friendship opportunity.

"Hey, I'm Hudson." I turned, I had somehow completely forgotten about the boy who was currently walking toward me.

"I'm Amelie," I stated while smoothing out my forest green plaid and pleated skirt.

"Did you need any help finding your class?" He was now standing in front of me, a friendly distance between us. His head was turned to the side slightly while he stared at me intently. oh my god, his gaze is kinda creepy but also hot. no. no, no, no. He has a girlfriend. 

I cleared my throat, "Um, actually, I don't, thank you though!" I turned around and pulled the map out of my pocket and straightened it out. Dang, this air smells really good. Is what I thought before realizing that he was standing right behind me.

"You're holding it the wrong way." He turned it in my hands before taking a couple of steps back. That's right, you better step away you little punk, or I'll be forced to act upon my power ranger training and I'm the yellow one.

"Right, duh, I knew that. Of course, I knew that." I began walking forward, but I paused about five steps later. 

"umm actually, can I have your help? I'm looking for classroom 32B." I turned to see that he was giving me a smug grin.

"Of course, I'll help you, Amelie." He said, taking a couple of steps forward.

"Great! let's go because I'm already super late" he cocked his head to the side.

"Well, you have to say the magic word first don't you?" Did he actually just say that? While I'm already 15 minutes late to class? 

"Now. help me find my class now," I responded proudly. 

He shook his head and feigned disappointment. "I'm afraid that you were looking for the word please.

I groaned in frustration I needed to find my class, but no way in a billion years was I going to say please. I'm sure that this would only make his already massive ego swell until it exploded, fun imagery. He smiled after noticing my frustration. 

"Alright then Amelie, let's go." He nodded his head toward the opposite direction that I was walking in. 

"Thank you!" I smiled while walking by his side.

"ahh, so she does have manners." 

I glared at him, "don't make me take it back."

hello everyone! So, Hudson

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hello everyone! So, Hudson. Any thoughts???? Take care of yo self, #selfcareiskey xoxo

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