I am not a pig's ass

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"Is it really haunted?" I wondered out loud while staring at the hall that the boys had directed me to.

"S'what they say" Aryan supplied while shrugging his shoulders. 

"Yeah... in the '80s, a student died in this hall. She was a nobody, no one knew who she was until she was in the news. They never found out how she died, she had no internal or external wounds, and no health problems either. They say that she'll haunt this hall until the day that someone uncovers the truth..... " Ashton stared at the entrance in front of us once he had finished his story. 

My mom had gone here in the eighties, had she known this student? According to Ashton, this girl was a loner that no one knew, what was my mom like during her time here? I stared ahead at the hallway, and an eerie feeling crawled through my back. 

"Yup, anyhow, last one to the other end is a pig's arse!" What?  Ashton blew past me with Damon, the announcer of this competition, close by. 

"C'mon Amelie!" Aryan said before patting my back and taking off after the other two boys. I turned, confused at what had just happened. Oh well. I pushed myself off the ground sprinting to catch up behind them in the long, carpeted hall. Aryan quickly caught up with the other two boys thanks to his long legs. I could see the three boys from afar getting close to the double doors that awaited at the other end. There is no way in hell that I'm going to be a pig's ass. I  worked up the last of my strength to sprint past Ashton who was right behind Aryan. He turned confusedly upon seeing me.

"I WIN!!!" I gasped out loud while crashing into the doors.

"You thought" I turned Damon was leaning against the doors. Shit. I had forgotten about him. 

"You're a pig's ass!" Aryan and Ashton yelled at each other after slapping their hands on the door simultaneously. Damon was still giving me a shit-eating grin from where he was standing. I stuck my tongue out at him. 

"I won" he declared 

"First is the worst, Second is the best, and third is the one in the tutu dress" I sang while pointing at each of the respective people to whom the rhyme applied

"What in the bloody fuck is that supposed to mean?" Damon said in a disbelieving tone. 

Ashton laughed at him. "It means that you're the worst, I feel as though that was very clear." He said before giving me a high five.

"Your stupid American rules don't apply to me, I mean we're in Europe for fuck's sake?!" Damon proclaimed while throwing his hands up in the air.

"your steewwwwpid American rules don't apply tew me!" I said copying him in my attempt at a British accent. Ashton doubled over with laughter and I danced around continuing to chant, "First is the worst! First is the worst!" Aryan pursed his lips in an attempt to hold in his laugh

"This is harassment! This isn't fair!" Damon continued.

"Crikey! You're bloody right mate!" I continued in a teasing tone.

"Whatever, M leavin'"  He murmured in an angry tone before turning to the doors that were located at the end of the hall and opening them.

"Someone's a drama queen," I whispered to Ashton causing him to burst into laughter again.


"Is he still mad?" I whispered to Aryan while glancing at Damon who had stayed a couple of feet in front of the group during the remainder of the tour. We were currently walking toward a secret entrance into the kitchen. I wasn't sure what time it was seeing as I had left my phone in my room. 

"Here it is" Damon announced while motioning toward a wall. We halted to a stop and I stared blankly at him. 

"I thought you were all showing me to a secret entrance to the kitchen?" I questioned

"This is the entrance to the kitchen!" Ashton answered and patted my back before stepping forward and placing his hands on the wall feeling around it for something.

"Whoa dude, why are you feeling up the wall?" Damon chuckled at my question, yet no one answered me. Eventually, Ashton found a lifted corner. He pushed the corner in and stepped back, a couple of seconds passed.

"Is something supposed to happen? Because this doesn't-" The wall popped open, cutting me off. Rude.

"C'mon Mel," Aryan said from behind me while gently pushing me forward. C'mon Who?

We all walked into the hole in the wall and into a pitch-black room. I wondered if it was too late to mention that I was terrified of the dark. Not so much the dark, but more so what's in the dark. Totally not the same thing. I looked around the room worriedly, omg omg omg.

"You guys is there maybe a light switch or maybe like one of those strings attached to a lightbulb that you pull y'know, to make a room un-dark? Because this whole ominous pitch-black room thing isn't really doing it for me. In fact, If we don't find that light switch maybe we should just leave. I mean there isn't even moonlight in this room, I can't see my hands even though I'm pretty sure that they're right in front of me. I mean, I feel them in front of me but-" All of a sudden the room is bright and I squint at the sudden brightness, my eyes taking a couple of seconds to adjust to the light. When they do, I look around the room for my savior. Ashton is standing next to a light switch nearby and holding a thumbs-up my way.

"Alright?" Aryan says while looking into my eyes. I nod my head stiffly. I mean I'm pretty sure that I'm all right. I could've just pulled out my ninja moves if anything happened I tell myself. 

"Yeah, yeah I'm okay." I nod my head once again to reassure Aryan and maybe, myself. He nods back. 

"Alright then, they keep every single ice cream flavor possible in the freezer, what's your favorite?" He asked and smiled gently. My brain froze and I panicked. Ice cream was one of my fear foods. It kind of all started when I went out for ice cream while wearing a crop top. The paparazzi had found me and they snapped the most unflattering pictures possible. A ton of articles were later posted about how ice cream was the last thing that I needed. I hadn't eaten ice cream since.

"I don't really like ice cream," I said in an apologetic tone.

"That's like bloody impossible, but suit yourself," Damon said before shrugging and walking over to the other end of the large kitchen with Ashton following close by.

About 15 minutes later, they had 5 bins of ice cream, two blenders, a gallon of chocolate milk, and about 100 different sauces and toppings. Aryan glanced at me sitting on the counter while stirring his chocolate milkshake  "Sure you don't want any?" 

"Yeah" I replied and turned to watch as Ashton sprayed whipped cream into Damon's mouth. I smiled lightly, imagining a world where I'm not terrified of drinking a milkshake. 

Guys, please comment I see you viewing this story, I hope you enjoyed it, and take care of yourself, and Ily! xoxo

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Guys, please comment I see you viewing this story, I hope you enjoyed it, and take care of yourself, and Ily! xoxo

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