Epic WWE moments

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Hudson's pov 

I watch Amelie while she sleeps. I feel like Edward from those vampire movies she made me watch. I'm not a creep or a vampire, I just woke up before her, she likes her beauty sleep. I scan her over. The slight sprinkle of freckles and blemishes that are scattered throughout her face, her golden matted hair, her sandy blonde eyelashes, her thick eyebrows. She's beautiful. 

That bruise on her shoulder and the slight frown that crosses her face disrupt her peaceful beauty. Some stupid caveman part of me wants to protect her, to go and murder that slimeball. Ok maybe not murder, but teach him a lesson.

She starts to turn and I reach over for the book I tried to read before I got distracted by her. I hear her hum contently before stretching. 

"Good morning, did you sleep alright?" I turn to look at her and ask.

She turns over to me and glances at the book I held in my hands confusedly. 

"I didn't know you could read upside down?" I realize I held The Queen's Gambit upside down.

"I don't, I'm trying to learn!" I try and play off while setting the book to the side.

"Sure," She says suspiciously. I smile, I can't help it. I lean in to kiss her right on the lips. I frown when she squeals and covers her mouth with her hand.

"What's wrong?" Idiot move on my part after what happened last night I realize.

"I have morning breath you silly goose," She says as if were the most obvious thing ever. My body slumps with relief.

"I don't give a fuck." I shrug before turning and trying to kiss her again.

"Stop! It's deadly!" She exclaims between her hands.

"Huh? What's that? I can't hear you, your hands are muffling what you're saying." 

She drops her hands frustratedly, "What I said was, my morning breath is-" 

I cut her off and kissed her right on her so-called "morning breath" mouth. She squeals but kisses me back. 

After ten minutes, she pulls away, out of breath and blushing. "Morning breath my ass," I say before kissing her forehead and getting up. She grins and gets up as well, her cheeks still slightly pink.

"C'mon." I grab her hand and we go into the bathroom to brush our teeth. 

While she starts brushing her teeth, I grab the toothpaste and start to squeeze it onto my toothbrush.  "Hey, so I wanted to ask you something."

She nods her head to indicate that I can keep going. "I was wondering if you knew what that guy's name was, or what he looked like?"

She freezes for a minute, maybe I shouldn't have brought this up. "His name is Remy I think, he does tattoos." She says after spitting into the sink.

"Can I go, y'know, beat him up a little?" I ask.

"Sure" She shrugs before going back to brushing her teeth. 

"Alright." I nod and kiss her head before turning to brush my teeth.


"Hey man, have you seen Remy anywhere?" I asked a dude who passed by where Lola told me Remy's dorm was.

"Yeah, he's hiding in the science lab 2B. Sorry about what happened to Amelie." The short dude said. I hope Amelie doesn't know how much what happened last night has spread.

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