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"No." He answered.

"You're lying. I know you're lying." I accused. I mean, how is it possible that he doesn't have a cartoon crush? That's bullshit if I've ever heard it.

"Not even a Disney princess?!" I questioned in outrage. He snorted I glared at him while waiting for his answer.

"Okay, maybe when I was like 10 I had a small crush on Rapunzel." I smiled proudly at his confession.

"There we go! I knew it because it's psychologically impossible for someone from this modern world to not have ever had a cartoon crush, they've done studies on it." I said proudly.

"Yeah, what studies?" I turned at his question thinking for a minute and realizing that I had dreamed the studies up.

"Oh, some university in the States, Hey, speaking of which, where are you from? I can't exactly pin your accent anywhere." I was determined to find out, I knew I could detect a little bit of French.

"I grew up kind of everywhere mostly in New York and all over France." I grinned at his response, I was right a little bit.

"Wait!" I gasped "I'm from New York too!" 

"I could tell." He said with a glint in his eye. I wondered if I had an accent for a millisecond before I spotted something out of the corner of my eye.

"Oh! Look at that butterfly over there! Did you know that butterflies use their feet to taste?" I had stocked up on butterfly facts after I had found out that they were Lola's favorite.

"No, I didn't know that." He had stopped our journey to my classroom to peer out the window and see the butterfly that I was excitedly pointing at. 

"Well, you learn something new every day!" I supplied while turning back to the corridor that we were walking through. All of a sudden, a realization hit me.

"Hey, don't you have class? Or is your class near mine? Or do we have the same class? Because I'm already 20 minutes late and my excuse is being new, but you're not." I worriedly rushed out my string of questions while glancing at his tall posture as he stood by the window.

"Don't worry about it Amelie, my class is nearby." He reassured me while stepping away from the window and in my direction.

"If that's what you say so." I shrugged and he nodded while we continued our walk.

"So... Are you team Jacob or team Edward?" This was probably the most serious question that I had asked him on our way to my classroom. "choose wisely" I warned.

"What's that?" and I gasped in horror at his reply.

After about three more minutes of me explaining Twighlight lore and two minutes of me promising to read him every book and rent him every movie, we arrived to the aforementioned classroom. 

"This is your class, have fun in Biology." He paused as if to consider something before leaning down and whispering into my ear "The teacher's a nut, just take notes because he'll test you about anything and everything that he says." I nodded, smiled, and thanked him. Then, I watched him walk away, he has a cute saunter if you were wondering. 

I took in a big breath and turned to knock at the door.

"yes?" A lanky, bald man with big brown eyes and a hooked nose answered. 

"Hi! I'm kind of new here and I got lost on my way here. I'm so sorry about being late!" he peered at me through his tiny little glasses. Suddenly, he pulled me into the class.

"DOES ANYONE KNOW THIS GIRL?" I smiled and waved at all the eyes that watched me.

"NO ONE? NOT ONE PERSON?" the room remained silent.

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