Let them eat cake

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Hudson's birthday is today, I am going to scream out of sheer excitement. I'm planning this whole thing with our friends, and a little secret for just me and him hehehe. 

I am currently finishing planning the secret menu. It consists of all of Hudson't favorite foods and I am very proud of myself. A little pat on the back is most definitely earned.

You may be thinking, Amelie, do you even know how to cook? Can you make his favorite soup? Do you know how to bake fresh bread? Can you make a there tier chocolate coffee cake? 

No, No, No, and No! 

I'm going to figure out how to do this shit(I'm praying that our friends know how to cook)

I am currently on my way to Jimena and Gabby's dorm because they are helping me plan his present. I feel like my whole body is shaking with excitement. I knock on their door and it swings open. "You're late!" Jimena exclaims.

"Sorry, sorry I was kind of planning out the menu, do either of you know how to cook?" I asked while peeking into the door. My question is forgotten when I peer into the dorm and see Gabby sitting on the floor while holding the cutest little gray fuzzball I have ever seen in my entire life. It's playfully mewing at Gabrielle. I swear I'm going to faint out of cuteness, maybe I can keep this present and Hudson's present is to visit the small kitten at my dorm whenever he likes. Meh, I'm at Hudson's dorm way more than I am at my own at this point. I'm quite surprised no one has caught us.

"Only a little, my dad has taught me a few recipes, but I don't think they're your typical white boy's favorite food." Jimena laughed while plopping herself down on the floor next to Gabby.

"I can only bake..." Gabby offered.

"Omg that's amazing, can you help me with the cake please?" I asked her excitedly. My excitement grew by ten when she nodded and said that we should go get started on the batter. 

I stand up with the tiny creature in my hands, careful to not drop him. After a quick stop to leave the kitten in my dorm, Gabriele and I head to the kitchens. We tell the cooks that we want to make a cake. The main cook tells me that she's proud of my growth. I thank her and pray to the lord that Gabby didn't hear. With the way that she's side-eyeing me right now, I think she did. I ignore it and turn to look for the ingredients that she had previously mentioned.


Things were not going according to plan whatsoever. Hudson found out from the blabbermouth that is Ashton about his birthday surprise. Ashton apologized profusely but what's done is done. So now, Hudson is helping me make his favorite soup. I wish I could stop him, but he quite literally walked in on me about to chop off my finger. Luckily, I sustained a minor cut on my finger before he stopped me. Of course, I also forgot that gnocchi is needed for chicken gnocchi soup. So he bandaged my finger, made me a cup of tea, and told me to sit and tell him about my day while he started making the gnocchi.

"I woke up this morning and had a cup of tea. Ummm" I pause for a minute, I had been planning his secret present during this time I have to come up with something else.

"I read a book for a bit, and fell back asleep." My nap was not a lie, I've been abnormally sleepy lately.

I pause for a minute to think of what I did next, "Oh! I started making the menu for your birthday, I had another mug of tea. I did some schoolwork. After that, I made another mug of tea and I smoked a little bit with Lola." 'I watched as Hudson kept dicing the vegetables that I was previously struggling with, wow he's actually good.

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