Hudson Gets Nakey

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"Pssst" I glanced to the side. Hudson was looking straight at me with a charming smile on his face. He's going to get me in trouble. Today, when he walked in and saw me sitting at the front of the class, he decided to take the empty seat next to me. 

"Shhh." I shushed him. 

He turns around in his chair to face me, "Amelie!" He whisper-shouts. I continued to ignore him. My heart just about stopped when the teacher turned around.

"Do you have a question, Mr.Lavigne?" I turned red at the teacher's question.

Hudson turned back around to face the front of the class again. "No miss. I'm alright, thanks." The teacher nodded before turning back around. Hudson remained silent for a few minutes and I exhaled gratefully.

But soon enough, my peace is interrupted. "Ames, Amelie, Amy, Mel, Amelieee, Ames, Ames, Ames!" He continued to whisper, quieter nonetheless, but still!

Finally, I give in and turn around, "What?" 

He smiles, "Do you have a pen I could borrow?" 

"This is why you should always come prepared." I zipped open my backpack while lecturing him, "Here." I hand him the pen.

He leaned in to whisper in my ear, "Thanks Ames, I owe ya."

Eventually, the teacher finishes her lecture and she assigns us pages 40-62 of our textbooks. Pause. What textbook? My face turns red at the realization that I never bought a developmental psychology textbook. I wait until the end of class to walk up to the teacher.

"Ms.Simmons?" I approach.

"Yes?" She asks without turning from the board. She's a middle-aged blonde woman, real pretty too. Her hair is pulled back into a tight bun and she's wearing brown trousers.

Do I feel slightly intimidated by her air of confidence? Yeah!

Am I going to ignore that? Yeah!

"I haven't bought a developmental psychology textbook, It wasn't on the list that was provided for me," I inform her.

She sighs as if this is the biggest inconvenience to ever happen to her before finally turning around to face me, "This is why you should always be prepared, Ms.Costas."

With my luck, Hudson is the last one left in the classroom. Little twerp was probably waiting to see what he could tease me about.

"Mr.Lavigne, you will share your textbook with Ms.Costas until she decides to be prepared." The teacher directs him with a stern glare over her brown and squared glasses.

"Yes, Ms.Simmons." The look on his face made me groan internally. What the fuck. Way to set me up, Ms.Simmons. I will remember this forever.

We walked out of the classroom together. "Always be prepared." Hudson mocked me in a high-pitched voice. 

"I don't even sound like that!" I exclaimed. 

"I don't even sound like that!" He copied once again in a high-pitched voice.

We parted ways and he gave me his textbook. He claimed that he had "already read the pages" but I didn't believe him. Oh well, if he needs help with the homework I suppose I could maybe help him.


"Hey, Hudson!" I called out into his dorm. I finished reading the pages assigned last night. I originally planned to return it to him during our study hall today, but I couldn't find him. I'm guessing he skipped, and I didn't take the book with me during the other classes that we had together.

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