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I twirled proudly in front of Hudson. He had helped me pick out the black denim miniskirt, the Queen baby tee, ripped tights, platform doc martens, and the leather jacket he let me borrow.

A look of excitement crossed his face and it was as if I could read his thoughts. "Hudson, I like you infinitely, but you are not braiding my hair tonight." 

He fakes a pout and I have to look away, "Hudson! I have the perfect blowout right now and I can not touch it, and neither can you!" 

"That's why I want to touch it! It looks so soft" He tries to justify.

"ah ah ah," I say "You can touch it when I come back tonight and it's all tangled, I'll need someone to condition and detangle it for me!"

"Okay," He nods excitedly.

I grin at the sight of his delicious pink lips. I can't resist it, I lean in to kiss him.

"Yo Amelie, hurry the fuck up you bitch!" I hear Lola's voice yell accompanied by a series of loud knocks on the door. 

I pull away from Hudson, but he pulls me back in for another kiss. I kiss him back, "Come on you fucking lovesick idiots, you can make out later!" I roll my eyes and pull away from Hudson for real this time. 

He stood up and accompanied me to the door that was approximately 5 feet away from where we were standing, "Have fun, call me if you need anything." He says with a kiss before opening the door. 

"Fucking finally!" Lola yells. She grabs my wrist and pulls me out of the dorm. 

"You look hot as fuck though, lucky ass motherfucker." She glares at Hudson before grabbing my hand and unexpectedly running. I grin, excited for tonight.


I giggle at Lola's words. What did she say? I don't know, it was hilarious. "Yo check this out!" The boy that was driving the car yelled out. Lola giggled and leaned forward. She was a little more out of it than me, but we both had a lot to drink that night. 

We also smoked something that I was sure was more than just weed. We went to like four different bars and then that house party that Lola mentioned. That place was fucking insane. I'm pretty sure Lola stripped on one of the pillars? Well, she tried to? It wasn't a house party though, those people were crazy rich so it was more of a mansion party. Every single substance you could name was there.

 We jumped out of a window when the cops busted the party. The boys had parked their car quite far away from the mansion, so we had to run for quite some time. My feet have a bajillion blisters now though. I can feel them bleeding through my socks and onto the leather of the stupid Doc-Martens I decided to wear.

I laid back, "Yoo check. It. ouuuuuuttt." The driver said once again, but this time, he completely let go of the wheel to turn around and show us a handful of pills. I glanced at them unsurely, we were already super out of it, and mixing pills with that was probably not the best idea.

Lola took one and popped it in her mouth, followed by the boy in the passenger seat, the boy that had them in the palm of his hand held it up to me. I politely shook my head. "Oh fuck off, you know you want one." He says while opening my mouth and shoving it in. 

"Bro, don't be an asshole." The other boy punched him lightly in the head. 

"Yo, I'm just trying to get her to loosen up." The blonde driver exclaims while holding up his hands and dropping the pills.

"FUCK." He says while leaning down to pick them up off the floor. 

"Drive motherfucker!" Lola yells at him. The redhead from the passenger seat leans over to steer the car while the other boy continues searching for pills.

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