I make a friend!

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"Dude, isn't it kind of.... weird that we start school tomorrow?" Lola questioned.

I flopped off my back and onto my side "Omg, it is. Y'know what I read on the website? This school requires at least one after-school activity. That sounds so bull shit."   

I stared at the list of Enrichment Extracurriculars that had been given to me last week. A list of 37 different clubs for the 400-ish students here at Montgomery. I glanced at Lola. My mom was the opposite of Lola when she came here. I mean, that's what headmaster Deidre had said. 

"Your mother was an exceptional student, I was terribly sorry to hear of her passing" Is what she had said before listing fencing, culinary, french, photography, soccer, and chess all as clubs that my mom had been a part of. I had a feeling that she was fully expecting me to join all those and a couple of others. I guess she didn't know the reason that I ended up here. 

I imagined the disappointment on the headmaster's face if I told her that I would only do the minimum to graduate and leave.


Lola skipped eating in the dining hall so that she could smoke and eat pop rocks outside in the gardens. I clearly didn't have this option. 

It was lunchtime, and my one-thousandth meal eating alone. I didn't mind too much I suppose. I feel like the way that I ate would kind of freak people out. I just kind of wished I had a friend who would sit and eat with me. Very conflicting.

I learned very quickly that Thalia wasn't going to be that friend. She had seemed friendly enough during the tour, but she always entered the dining hall surrounded by a group of friends whom she'd proceed to be surrounded by. She hadn't even noticed me, I wasn't mad. I mean, it's not shocking, she's super involved in everything. Captain of the volleyball team, started the environmentalist club, and is part of the gardening, chess, and hiking clubs. 

I stared at her from across the room. "She's pretty huh? A smart, British? voice behind me said. I gasped turning, fully ready to pull out my non-existent karate moves. Upon noticing my surprise and my fists held up, the tall, kind of lanky, boy backed up a couple of steps. Yeah, you better back up little punk.

"Oh shit! I'm sorry that was so stupid on my part. Kinda creepy too huh?" The boy spoke again while an apologetic smile crossed his face. He was wearing one of those grandpa-patterned sweaters and a nice, smart pair of trousers. He was smiling awkwardly and I realized that I had yet to respond to him.

"Yeah, dude you're right that was kind of creepy." He laughed at my response. I noticed that he has really white teeth. I wonder what his secret is.

"Hey, what toothpaste do you use?" I questioned.

"Excuse me?" he said while standing up straighter. Nevermind.

"Sooooo, take a seat" I motioned toward the seat in front of me while disregarding my previous question, I'll get his secret later.

"Are you new here?" He asked while setting his tray down.

"Mhm... My mom used to go here though" I responded, he ran a hand through his messy black hair.

"Yeah? Who's your mum?" I stared at his tray, he had a bowl of pasta covered in a red sauce that he was picking at.

"Hey?... Hellooo?" He waved his hand in an attempt to gain my attention.

"Hmm?" I hummed while looking up after realizing that I had zoned out.

"Sorry, what was your question?" Don't embarrass yourself, Amelie, you need to make friends.

He smiled warmly and nodded, "Yeah, I just asked who your mom is?" 

"Oh! Her name is Angeline Costas." I stared down at my chicken salad while stabbing and counting the tomatoes. I realized that the boy sitting across from me had yet to make any noise. I glanced up at him, his mouth was wide open. He had noticed me counting the tomatoes. Oh my god, what is wrong with me, now he probably thinks I'm weird-

"You're Amelie Costas!?" I nodded my head.

"I had heard that you were coming here, I thought it was just a rumor though! I mean you and your mom are both amazing! Oh, I'm Aryan Dosanjh!" He extended a hand my way and I shook it. I made a friend! 

"Hey, I know that Thalia probably gave you the required tour when you first got here, but you need the real tour before we start classes tomorrow," he said before winking at me.

 "Tonight sound good?" I grinned, sometimes I had a hard time making friends. I mean, back home I had Apple Turner, but she was just my friend for the popularity that came with our friendship. 

Her manager had reached out to mine after I got blackout drunk and made a tweet about my "sparkly disco tits". They said something about her needing the type of attention and "look" that I had on me at the moment. We made our little friendship debut that weekend. We went out to a bar with live music and took Instagram pictures. Everyone went crazy and #AppleTurner was trending on Twitter the following day. 

"Yeah! Sounds great, I'll meet you by the trophy case at... " I remembered the curfew.

"How about 9?" I suggested, and he laughed.

"No love, this tour is strictly after midnight." I gasped.

"What about curfew!?" he laughed at me again.

"Wanna know a secret?... no one in the history of Montgomery has ever obeyed curfew." he had leaned in to tell me and he smelled good, kind of like fresh linens and cinnamon.

"Well, I reckon the nerds have, yeah? but everyone else?" he blew air between his teeth.

"So whaddya say? 12:30 by the trophy case?" I thought of how tired I would be for my first day of classes tomorrow. My mom probably would have said no. My dad would want me to say no...


woohoo! I feel like this chapter is better written than the last one, I hope you enjoyed, xoxo

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woohoo! I feel like this chapter is better written than the last one, I hope you enjoyed, xoxo

p.s: sorry that I didn't write any part of her dad's visit it just hardly seemed like a fun read to me loll

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