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Just a general update for people who have still been reading and leaving comments on this story. I appreciate you a lot. I'm just popping in to let everyone know whether you've read this story, have just clicked on it for the first time, or whatever, I have rewritten it. There's a lot of this story that I adore and a lot of it that just needed a lot of fixing and I did that last year.

The updated version is on A03, my username is BexsLD. It's still called Oh, Calamity that hasn't changed, but the writing is definitely better if you'd rather read that version. I started writing this story when I was 15/16, finished it when I was 18 and I've done a lot of developing since then. This was my favourite of all the fics I wrote for SwanQueen and wanted to give it the sprucing up it more than deserved.

Obviously, you're more than welcome to read this one if you would rather, it's just not to the same standard in terms of the storytelling and the grammar.

But, yeah, thanks again for all the support. I'm continuously surprised by it in all honesty but I appreciate it a lot. It's the support from these stories and things I've written in the past, and even recently, that have allowed me to pursue my writing.


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