Chapter 14

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The pair were heading back to Regina's room after the usual evening walk through the gardens. It had become custom for the two women to do this after dinner. Each night for the past five days they've gone up to the apple tree to watch the sunset before heading back to the Manor again.

Regina's father appeared just a few doors down from her bedroom.

He greeted them with a small, friendly smile, "did you girls have a nice walk?" he asked trying to spark up some form of conversation.

The two women nodded, "yes, thank you, Daddy" Regina mumbled greeting her father with a kiss on the cheek.

Henry smiled, "I was hoping to catch you two on your way back in" he muttered quickly.

The brunette raised an eyebrow in confusion.

The elderly man cleared his throat, "my dear, I was wondering if I could steal Emma from you for a moment?" he asked gently.

Emma stiffened slightly at his request.

Regina nodded slowly at her father's request, "of course" she responded.

Emma hesitantly followed Henry into a nearby room. Inside was a series of bookshelves and a desk that was littered with various pieces of paper. The young blonde could only assume that it was his study.

The girl felt slightly uneasy, 'it could be worse, it could be Cora wanting to talk to me' the Princess thought to herself.

Henry cleared his throat, "I wanted to talk to you about Regina" he told the girl getting straight to the point.

Emma felt her breath catch in the back of her throat, "okay" the blonde mumbled nervously.

The man looked over at the young girl and chuckled, "don't worry, Emma. It's nothing bad" he reassured her.

Emma let out a soft sigh of relief and nodded for him to continue.

The small, grey-haired man smiled, "you've made her really happy, Emma. I haven't seen my daughter smile the way you make her smile in a long time" he explained.

The blonde stood there in shock for a moment at his words.

Henry smiled, "she talks about you so freely. She told me so much about you whenever she had arrived home. Any time you, or your family, were brought up in a conversation she had a smile on her face that could light up a room. I had to meet you, I had to see how happy you truly made her for myself" he told the young girl, not hesitating for a second.

Emma couldn't help herself from smiling, "really?" she asked softly, in complete awe at his words.

Henry nodded, "that's why I never told her you were coming, I wanted to see that true, genuine happiness for myself" he explained.

Something about what he was telling her made the young Princess feel completely overjoyed.

'I'm making her happy' the girl thought to herself, a surge of joy running through her veins.

Henry smiled, "she hasn't been this happy since Daniel, and I thank you for that, Emma" he mumbled softly.


The name rang like bells in the blonde's ears. It was the name on the gravestone under the apple tree.

Her spot.

Emma cleared her throat awkwardly, "if you don't mind me asking, Sir. Who is Daniel?" the young woman asked curiously.

Regina never mentioned the grave any time the two were there, but Emma could clearly see that she was conscious of it, so she simply let on like she didn't see it. The young woman didn't want to bring it up just in case it upset her in any way and that was something the girl never wanted to do.

'I don't think I'd be able to live with myself if I hurt Gina in some way' the blonde concluded.

The elderly man let out a soft, raspy sigh, "he was her best friend, he was our stable hand. He passed away when she was seventeen" he explained to the girl.

Emma felt her heart clench from inside her chest.

'Regina hasn't been happy in five years' the young woman thought with a small frown.

The blonde bit her lower lip gently, "how did he die?" the young girl asked softly, her curiosity eventually getting the better of her.

Henry shot the girl a sympathetic smile, "plague, hit him pretty bad, there wasn't much anyone could have done to help him" he explained with sadness in his voice.

Emma couldn't help but feel bad for the older woman.

'I guess that's why she never brought it up, she probably doesn't want anyone pitying her' the girl thought.

Henry smiled, "so, thank you, Emma. For helping Regina" he added in quickly.

Emma smiled, "no problem, Henry. She's an absolutely amazing girl" she mumbled.

The short man let out a soft chuckle, "don't think that I don't see it, Em" he commented, shortening the girl's name for the first time.

Emma raised an eyebrow and stared at the man in confusion.

He smiled, "I know about your feelings for my daughter" he whispered.

Emma completely froze in her spot. She bit her lower lip nervously, which could've been enough to draw blood, as she waited for what was to follow.

Henry laughed, "I'm not against it if that's what you're worried about" he added in quickly once seeing the young woman's reaction to his words.

The older man cleared his throat, letting out a low, raspy cough, "I think it's a good thing" he mumbled.

Emma stared at the man in amazement, "my daughter is lonely, I think that much is clear, Emma. She needs someone good for her, someone who's going to take care of her the way she deserves. Cora has been trying too hard and it's pushing Regina further away" he explained to the young Princess.

The blonde nodded along slowly as he spoke, "tell her, Em. I can promise you that you won't be disappointed" he told her with a swift wink.

Emma felt her cheeks heat up slightly at his words, "I don't know, Henry" she mumbled softly.

Emma wanted to tell Regina how she felt about her, there was no denying that. She just didn't know how.

The blonde gulped, "what if me telling her ruins our friendship? I wouldn't be able to live with myself if Gina hated me" the young woman whimpered.

Henry shot the girl a small, reassuring smile, "I promise you, Em. Nothing, and I mean nothing, could make my daughter hate you" he told the Princess confidently, "she has fallen completely head over heels for you" he told her.

Emma raised an eyebrow in confusion.

The man chuckled, "can you not tell?" he asked.

The young woman slowly shook her head, "the comments? The touches? The longing looks? I've seen a fair share of those from the both of you since you arrived. There's probably been more than what I've seen" he observed.

Emma nodded slowly, her cheeks heating up slightly with embarrassment. There had certainly been more than a few touches and comments that Henry hasn't seen, but Emma never thought much of them.

The Lord cleared his throat, "I've kept you long enough, Regina will probably be wondering where you are" he muttered.

The blonde nodded slowly as he walked her over to the door, "just think about it, Em. The outcome just may surprise you" he said shooting the girl a swift wink.

Emma nodded, "thank you. Goodnight, Henry" she mumbled softly.

Regina's father nodded, "goodnight, Emma" he mumbled.

The blonde swiftly left the room and quickly made her way to Regina's bedroom where the older woman was waiting for her.

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