Chapter 31

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Emma watched in complete awe as Regina professionally got the two children dressed and ready for bed.

There wasn't a fuss made between them the whole time they were getting ready. Emma remembered a few times when she was younger refusing to get into her pyjamas, not wanting to go to bed but the twins did exactly as told.

Sam pulled her little nightdress over her head and sped to Emma's side. She put her two little hands in the air, silently asking to be picked up.

The blonde complied almost immediately, scooping the petit girl into her arms. Sam wrapped her arms around the woman, cuddling into the crook of her neck.

Emma looked over to Regina who was staring at the pair with tears in her eyes. It made the blonde feel guilty for a whole manner of reasons.

Henry clambered into the large double bed, throwing the duvet over his legs. "Can Emma tell us a story?" He asked, his eyes gleaming with excitement.

Emma wasn't quite sure how to respond but a soft little "please" uttering its way from Samantha's lips caused the blonde to melt and she agreed.

Regina squeezed into the bed next to Henry as Emma sat on the other side, Sam still wrapped firmly in her arms. The little girl had no intention of moving.

The small brunet smiled, "okay. We're ready." He squeaked cuddling against his mother.

Regina wrapped her arm around the boy as she shot Emma a reassuring smile.

"Once upon a time," the blonde started, "there was a Princess who lived in a far away Kingdom. She wanted nothing more than to become a Knight but her parents wanted her to get married."

Regina's breathing hitched as she realised what story Emma was going to tell - theirs.

"From all across the Kingdom, her parents brought suitors to try and win over the Princess, but all of them failed." She explained.

"One day, when she was eighteen, her mother invited an old friend and her daughter to stay with them. The Princess was unsure at first, but the second she laid eyes on the beautiful woman she fell in love." She whispered, her eyes never leaving Regina's for a second.

"They quickly grew very close but the Princess was afraid to tell the girl how she felt about her. So one night she plucked up the courage and asked her. The girl loved the Princess too."

Regina was barely holding it together, "it's late." She croaked out, "you two need to go to sleep."

Henry let out a whine, "but the story's not over!" He complained throwing his head back onto the pillow.

The brunette chuckled as she placed a kiss on the boy's forehead, "we'll continue it tomorrow." She told him.

Reluctantly, Sam crawled out of Emma's arms and into bed next to her brother, "night, Emmy." She whispered.

Emma's voice melted, "goodnight, sweetheart." She mumbled.


Emma followed Regina out into the hall. She was about to speak when the brunette grabbed her hand and led her into her bedroom.

"They really like you a lot.” The older woman commented once the door was firmly shut behind them.

Emma couldn’t help but smile, “they’re amazing, Gina.” She whispered. “You’ve done such an amazing job with them.”

The older woman sighed, “I’ve wished more times than I can count that it was you helping me raise them and not Robin.” She mumbled.

The brunette sighed, “Robin’s fine with them, to him they are his own kids and he loves them. Henry likes him. But you’ve seen how Sam acts around him. He's not their father. Well… He is, but, he’s not…” The woman trailed off.

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