Chapter 9

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Regina and Emma sat together in the meadow. The older woman fiddled with the delicate petal of a yellow buttercup whilst Emma watched her every move in complete admiration.

The brunette let out a soft sigh, "I'm gonna miss this place" she muttered gently not taking her eyes off the small flower.

Her head soon lifted, and her soft cocoa eyes met the Princess' sea-green ones, "I'm gonna miss you, Em" she mumbled softly.

Her brown eyes softened as they began to glisten with the layer of tears that were now beginning to build up along her eyelids.

Emma frowned, "I'm gonna miss you too, Gina" she whispered in response.

Regina is leaving in the morning. This is the pair's last full day together, so they decided to spend it out in the meadow. They brought some food and they just sat enjoying each other's company for the last time.

The two just wanted to be with each other for as long as possible before having to say their goodbyes, which now that they are both faced with it, is going to be hard.

The pair spent almost every day in the meadow, only heading back for dinner, and avoiding their parents at every given opportunity.

The atmosphere around them in the meadow was nice. The sun was beginning to set creating a peaceful orange glow around them.

Emma watched as a small tear made its way down Regina's tanned cheek.

The blonde quickly reached up and wiped away the wet path it had left, "I'm not usually one for sappy goodbyes" the older woman joked light-heartedly.

Emma chuckled softly as she reached out and gently pulled the older woman onto her lap. Regina willingly followed and practically melted into the younger woman's embrace. The girl pulled her tight against her body. Emma let out a soft sigh as Regina cuddled into the crook of the blonde's neck.

To say that Regina and Emma have grown close within this past week would probably be the understatement of the century.

They have become so comfortable around one another.

'When I think about it, I'm almost as close to Regina as I am to Neal' Emma told herself.

There was just something there that made it easy.

Emma let out a soft sigh, "it won't be long until we see each other again, surely" she mumbled in an attempt, not only to reassure Regina but herself as well.

The Princess felt a tear run down her own cheek, 'If I'm being completely honest, I didn't think saying goodbye to the older woman would be this hard' the young girl thought to herself, 'I wasn't expecting us to become as close as we are' she concluded.

Regina pulled back and they stared at each other for a moment. The brunette bit her lower lip gently.

Emma gulped at the action.

The older woman frowned, "we should probably head back before it gets dark" she mumbled.

The blonde slowly nodded in agreement before breaking their long gaze.

Regina gently slid off the younger woman's lap and stood up helping the younger woman to her feet.

They stood there for a few minutes while Regina took in her surrounding for the last time. The older woman took in a deep breath before releasing with a sigh.

The pair made their way back to the castle in complete silence, both of them too afraid to say anything.

They approached their rooms and came to a hesitant stop.

Regina froze as she turned around to look at Emma again.

Emma watched as a tear fell down her cheek and the blonde instantly had the older woman wrapped securely in her arms. Regina hid her face in the younger woman's blonde mane as she sobbed gently in the crook of her neck.

Emma tightened her grip around on the older woman's waist, "hey, it's okay, Gina" she cooed softly.

The older woman pulled away and stared up at the girl.

The blonde reached out to touch her cheek. She gently wiped away the trails of tears with the base of her thumb.

The girl's heart practically melted as Regina let out a soft sigh and moved her face towards her friend's gentle touch, "I'll see you in the morning before you go" Emma reassured her.

The petite brunette nodded slowly, "goodnight, Em" she whispered.

Emma smiled as she hesitantly leaned forward. The Princess placed a light kiss on her forehead, "goodnight, Gina" she mumbled in response.

Morning came all too soon.

Emma, her parents, Regina and her mother all stood in the throne room where they had first greeted one another.

The young Princess looked at Regina, the brunette was fighting so hard to control her emotions and stop herself from crying in front of her mother.

Emma's mother stepped forward and gave Cora a short, friendly hug, "I do hope we see each other again soon, it's been a great week" she commented cheerfully.

Cora let out a short chuckle, "it has indeed, Snow. It also seems our daughters have become good friends so I'm sure they'll be looking forward to seeing each other again in the near future" the woman responded with a weak smile.

The blonde watched as Regina's eyes glistened with hope at the thought of them seeing each other again in the, hopefully, near future.

Cora then took David's hand in her own, "it was a pleasure meeting you after all these years, David" the older brunette told him.

David chuckled, "the pleasure was all mine, Cora," he said politely.

Lastly, the woman turned to Emma.

The blonde couldn't help but notice Regina biting her lip nervously.

The girl shot Regina's mother a kind smile, "it's been amazing having you both here" Emma muttered nervously.

Cora makes the young girl slightly uneasy under the hard, disapproving looks that she had been discretely receiving throughout the week.

The brunette chuckled, "I'm sure this won't be the last time you two will be seeing each other" she told the young woman.

Cora stepped away and the blonde turned to Regina.

Emma practically leaped forward and wrapped the older woman firmly in her arms.

Regina gripped the untucked hem of Emma's fresh cream shirt in her hands as she held the young blonde as close to her as she could.

The Princess felt a tear fall down her cheek, "we'll see each other again soon, Gina" she tried to reassure the older woman.

The brunette nodded quickly, "God, I'm gonna miss you so much" she choked out.

Emma clung tighter to the smaller woman's coat, "I'll miss you too" she mumbled.

Emma's heart clenched from inside her chest as she forced herself to let the woman go. She slowly and hesitantly loosened her grip on the older woman.

Regina looked up at the blonde with an almost pleading look, "bye, Em" she mumbled weakly, her voice barely audible.

Emma took her hand in her own and gave it a soft squeeze.

She brought it up and placed a gentle kiss on her knuckle just like she did when they first met, Emma's blue eyes never left her chocolate ones for a second.

The young woman sighed, "goodbye, Gina" she whispered.

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