Chapter 33

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It's been a week since Emma sent the letter to her parents explaining everything that was going on and their reply was being anxiously awaited by both her and Regina who was becoming increasingly more stressed as the week went by.

The situation with Robin had become nightly and the man was only becoming more increasingly frustrated.

Emma's been keeping a closer eye on Robin over the week. Watching how he interacts with the two children and with Regina. It's like he's two different people. With Henry and Sam he's gentle and kind - he speaks so softly around them. But with Regina he's cold and demanding.

He didn't like Emma, but she knew this already. The blonde is fairly certain that her being there is why he's amped up his cruelty towards Regina.


Emma was playing with Sam and Henry out in the garden. Regina had to send a reply to her own mother's letter who was asking about the twins sixth birthday in a few weeks time. It was almost so hard for the blonde to believe.

She had missed out on six years of their lives and she'd be damned if she missed out on any more.

Sam giggled as she wrapped her hands around Emma's wrist, "gotcha!" She squeaked, "you're..." The little girl stopped dead. She was no longer laughing, her face paled as her eyes widened.

"Mommy!" She screamed and took off in a run towards the house.

"Henry don't you move!" She called to the boy who was busying himself with his wooden sword.

He nodded once, "okay, Emmy."

With that confirmation, Emma took off running trying to catch up with the little girl who was already running into the house.

"Mommy!" The little girl screamed again as Emma got closer and closer.

Sam made her way down the hall and practically flung herself against her mother's bedroom door, pounding it as hard as her little hands would allow her.

"Mommy!" She yelled.

Emma hung back towards the end of the hall not wanting to cause any more problems as the door swung open.

The blonde watched as Robin leant down to her level, "mommy's busy, Samantha. You go play with your brother." He told her softly.

Emma's chest tightened watching as tears fell freely down the little girl's cheeks.

"I want mommy!" She screamed giving Robin a shove. It did nothing to him physically, in fact it caused the small blonde to stumble more than him but his face fell immediately.

"Samantha. That's not very nice." He said.

Sam went to shove him again but he grabbed her wrist causing the little girl to let out a soft yelp.

Emma leapt into action sprinting down the hall.

Sam ripped herself from his grasp just as Emma reached her side.

The blonde grabbed him by the collar dragging him from the doorway and pinned him against the wall.

"Don't you dare touch her." She growled.

Regina emerged quickly from the room letting out a soft gasp as Sam wrapped her arms around her.

Emma looked over at the brunette as she scooped her daughter into her arms. There were faint bruises along her neck and one quite visible on her cheek.

The blonde's rage only increased. She dropped his collar only for a brief second before connecting her fist with his jaw. Robin let out a soft groan at the contact.

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