Chapter 5

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The ride back to the castle was quiet, but it wasn't the same awkward silence that had been lingering between the two women throughout the day, but it was comfortable, a small topic of conversation being tossed between the pair. Both women just enjoying the, no longer awkward, silence.

When they arrived back at the castle a few of the guards, including Neal, were waiting to sort out the horses so that the two women could go and freshen up a little bit before heading to dinner.

Neal took Pippin from Regina and turned to Emma as she handed Bailey off to another guard.

Her brunet friend smiled, "you took her to the Meadow, didn't you?" He whispered.

Emma sighed and simply nodded in response.

The pair walked into the castle side by side, Regina following Emma closely as the blonde led the brunette back to her room.

Regina turned to the young girl as they reached the doors to their rooms, "sit next to me at dinner?" She asked raising a perfectly shaped eyebrow.

Emma couldn't help but smile and soon nodded, "of course, Regina," she told the older woman.

The brunette shot Emma a kind smile before walking into her own room.

Tanya retrieved a small basin of lukewarm water, a cloth, and a fresh cream dress shirt for Emma since there were a few grass stains on the white riding shirt she was wearing when Regina and herself went out.

The blonde gently washed her face, hands, and arms before turning to pick up the fresh shirt.

A soft knock echoed through the room, "come on in" Emma yelled out as she pulled the shirt on around her small frame.

The young girl started buttoning up the soft shirt as the door opened.

Emma looked up to see Regina poke her head around the side of the door and make her way hesitantly into the room.

The blonde watched as the older woman gently bit her lower lip as Emma finished buttoning up her shirt, "Tanya told me that I could come get you and you would show me to the dining hall" Regina mumbled shyly, a slight red color beginning to show on her cheeks.

'I don't think she saw anything, except maybe my stomach, but I think the concept of what could have been seen has made her blush' Emma concluded to herself, "it is kind of cute" she thought.

Emma quickly shook those thoughts from her head, she couldn't afford to be thinking that way of the attractive brunette.

The Princess nodded and shot the other woman a kind smile, "of course" she mumbled before pulling her blonde hair into a high ponytail.

Emma chuckled, "I guess we'll have to finish our tour after dinner, won't we? Can't have you helplessly wandering around for the next week" she joked playfully causing Regina to let out a small giggle.

The sound made a smile cross the younger woman's face.

'That is probably the most adorable noise I've ever heard' Emma thought.

The blonde mentally slapped herself, 'I can't be thinking like that' the Princess scolded herself. She won't, she can't, allow herself to become too attached to the older woman.

'Odds are she will never feel the same way' the younger woman concluded with a small frown.

Regina nodded in agreement, "that might be helpful" she responded before they headed off to the dining hall for dinner.

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