Chapter 32

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Emma had been at the manor for a few days now and with every passing hour it was growing harder and harder for Emma to even contemplate leaving.

It was no longer an option. She still hadn't found the right time to bring up possibly involving her parents to Regina. She didn't want to scare the brunette.

Much to Robin's clear disapproval, Sam never leaves Emma's side. The smaller blonde is always attached to her whether that's by clinging desperately to her hand or in her arms.

Henry adored the fact that Emma would play Knights with him, a game Robin would only play when he wasn't busy - which according to Henry wasn't a lot.

Emma had continued the story nightly. Regina had cut her off at the challenge for the duel before telling the twins that they had to go to sleep, much to their disappointment because they are thoroughly enjoying the story.


Emma jolted awake to a small, warm body pressed against her side with the sound of soft sobs echoing through the room.

Sam was curled up in a ball hiding her face in the blonde's  chest.

Emma gently rubbed her back in a soothing motion, “what’s wrong, sweetheart?” She asked her softly.

The small blonde’s sobs worsened as she cuddled further into her side.

Emma wrapped her arms around the five-year-old instantly, “what happened, baby?” She asked again, the name rolling off her tongue before she could stop herself.

Sam whimpered, “mommy. Robin. Bad feeling." She choked out in between her gentle sobs.

Emma's breath caught in her throat, “door’s locked. Bad feeling.” She repeated.

Emma was on her feet in an instant. She scooped Sam into her arms and practically ran out to the hallway.

The young blonde hid her face in the crook of Emma's neck as they approached the door to Regina’s room.

Emma gulped as she reached out and jiggled the doorknob.

The blonde's breathing quickened, “Regina!” She called out.

There was a soft crash from inside the room, “Gina!” She yelled out desperately.

She heard the lock click and the door open. Relief filled her body as her cocoa eyes met hers.

Regina's eyes widened at the sight of her daughter’s red and puffy blue eyes, “Sammy!” She gasped out.

Emma quickly passed the small blonde over to the older woman who clung to her tightly.

The blonde scowled as she eyed Robin who was picking up Regina’s smashed handheld mirror from the floor.

"Thank you, Darling.” Regina mumbled, snapping the younger woman's attention back to her.

Emma cleared her throat awkwardly, “she said she had a nightmare, but the door was locked.” She explained covering up what she really said until Robin was out of the room.

The tall brunet made his way over, “are you okay, Samantha?” He asked the small girl, his voice a lot softer than anything Emma had ever heard.

Sam turned away from him and hid her face in her mother’s neck. The man awkwardly cleared his throat as he made his way swiftly out of the room.

Regina turned to the taller blonde, “thank you, Em.” She mumbled.

"She said she had a bad feeling.” Emma said.

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